Young skin

World of translation : Health
, 18:24

young skin

Every woman wants to look young throughout their lives. There are a few secrets that can help you with this. 

You should care for you skin according to your age. Approximately since age of 30 years protective processes in the skin cells start to slow down. This means that single moisture is not enough now. The skin now needs additional food and protection. The creams that you use should include vitamins A, C and E, which reduce wrinkles and improve face color.

In age of 40 year - elastin and collagen are slowly synthesized in the skin, and causing wrinkles. You need cream with hyaluronic acid, retinol and polypeptides that align the texture of the skin from the inside.

In women age of 50 years and older the structure of skin is starting to change, as there are hormonal changes. In addition to wrinkles, the dark spots may appear. You should use cosmetics with plant substances - phytohormones that stimulate the metabolic processes in skin cells.

Healthy nutrition enriched with vitamins helps to keep the skin young and beautiful. Eat as many red fruits and vegetables (red grapes, bulgarian peppers and beets) as you can. Try to vary the diet of red-blue berries that are very rich in antioxidants.

The process of regeneration of the skin cells takes place, usually during sleep. So, healthy sleep is a good fighter with a  wrinkles. Bath with lavender oil will helps you to fall asleep quickly, it's useful to take such bath a half hour before bedtime. In addition, do not forget to pamper your skin with night cream.

You should not misuse sunbathing, as excessive exposure of UV can cause the appearance of early wrinkles. Choosing a cream for day care, pay attention to its composition. It will be good, if the cosmetic product provides protection from ultraviolet rays. Applying of the special cream before going to the beach should be 20-30 minutes before sunbathing.

Author: World of translation
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