London - a city of history, love and poetic souls legendary


Today, virtually every moderna person living in a dusty and bustling city, dreaming of a result to go to vacation travel. At the moment, in every city of our vast country are dozens of travel agencies that offer hot tours to the country of eternal sunshine, beaches and nightclubs, such as Turkey, Egypt and others. Nevertheless, the fashion for tacosthe second kind trip has exhausted itself, and today, the world of tourism is becoming more and more diverse.
So for example, one of the most popular destinations, available today, is London, which in fact we'll talk further ...

London – city ??of history and vivid memories

looking for a tranquil holiday person, a trip to London will bring as much fun as he did not expect. The only thing that can cloud a guided tour of this famous London weather, often take the shape of rainy and cloudy, however, began its journey this city, you forget about the weather, because those it upstoprimechatelnosti and beauty that are available for viewing every tourist to come to London, just to distract you from the weather and drizzling rain forever.

In general, London itself as one huge attraction, however, some parts of it still need to pay special attention, and a smooth transition to the list of the most important dostoprimechatelnostey London, will begin his story with the famous Westminster Abbey.

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey – &Laquo; a place of eternal Kings & raquo ;, so called by ancient travelers. This is where it originated and royal destiny, and then they end uped. But do not think that the Abbey is only the so-called « monument departed kings & raquo ;, because in addition to this, Westminster Abbey is famous also for its famous all over the world « area poets & raquo ;. This area was founded in the time after such famous artists as Shakespeare, Milton, Chaucer, Dickens and WorWorth, in the name of the memory of which, here is also a plaque.


Tower – the second most important tourist attraction in London, deserves no less attention. But not for nothing that this historic landmark is highlighted in bold Almost everyone falls into the hands priehavshego London man. Luxury uniforms of soldiers guarding the entrance, the gloomy walls of the ancient fortress and just this incredible story attractions just can not leave uninterested person, loves to travel in foreign countries and enjoys history.

Tower Bridge

Tauersky Bridge – this bridge has become as much a symbol of London, is how, for example, the Eiffel Tower in Paris. His style, his image, his story – all this simply can not be interested in the modern tourist.
Buckingham Palace – Today, the doors of the symbol of the British monarchy are open to everyone without exception. BeingYas residence of Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace has become known all over the world, and has been for many years in his arms beckoning tourists coming from different countries.

London Aquarium

London Aquarium – worthy end of the five best attractions in London. This is perhaps thealmost the only place in the world where you can see in the aquarium water is so different representatives of the world: the huge sharks, giant sea eels, piranhas, stingrays and other inhabitants of the deep sea – see all their near and everyone can come to London tourist.
Stop wasting no useless trip to the countrydoroguschih beaches and five star hotels, enough down time on the trip, which became popular only due to its « slope & raquo ;. There are places and cities in which you should definitely visit at least once in their lifetime, and one such place is London, which is to go to, even dreams almost every child.

Author: World of translation
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