Excursions in Anapa + video: "Rest in Anapa"


Rest in Anapa – it is not onlyto swimming in the sea and idle spending time at the beach. It has long been in this Russian resort tours took quite important and popular place. Guests are offered a huge number of very different tours that vary in duration, and cost targets. But time goes by and trends change, and also changes directionspine excursion offers in Anapa.

What tours are popular at the moment in Anapa?

The answer to this question is easy. There « eternal » The most popular trip to the Sea of ??Azov, a visit to the cable cars and the holy sources, but more and more populationyarnost gaining « long » excursions. These include a trip to a ski resort Dombay, a trip to the Crimea, visit the Lago-Naki plateau (in the mountains of Adygea) and excursion to Abkhazia. According to statistics, the most rapid growth shows lately. What is it attracts people why arrived at one resort to go to the dnother?
Nevertheless, this trend has its own explanation. Many, even before the rest, ponders resting place. For Russians, the choice is wide, but if you decide to do without a passport and a long flight overseas, then the choice is – Crimea, Abkhazia, and the Russian Black Sea resorts. You can go for good luck, but you canand see no risk to spoil your holiday. That's why tourists relaxing in Anapa, go on a trip to the Crimea – look at the opportunities for recreation, prices, entertainment, nature. Later, you can make a more informed choice as to where to go next time to rest.

How is it organized a trip from Anapa toCrimea?

This tour has long been established and made as comfortable as possible. For starters, you do not need to go anywhere and are afraid that missed the bus. By purchasing a ticket you get and instructions where and when you will be expected sightseeing bus, a place you will pick up the manager, with the highest possible comfort. Collectiontourists on this tour takes place 30 – 40 minutes, it is enough, given the small size of Anapa.
Then will two hour trip in a comfortable bus from Anapa to Port Kavkaz, where the ferry to the city of Kerch (Ukraine, Crimea). Accompanying guide for the trip produces instrucTAR, helps to deal with the necessary documents and explains the procedures at customs. Also, the guide will tour group to go through all the customs procedures on an expedited basis, as in Russia and the Ukrainian side.
After crossing the border going to board the Ukrainian tourist bus and a full-scale ekskurAnd this with a visit to the Crimea Kerch, Feodosia, Bakhchisarai, Sevastopol and Yalta. In order not to bore an abundance of tourist travel and overnight experiences provided in Bakhchisarai, in a comfortable hotel. Also in the tour includes an abundance of free time and a choice of several visits to cultural and historical sites. Duringtrips do not forget also about the pressing issues of tourism, including the food, everything is organizing an accompanying guide.
As a result, long trip turns into an interesting, is not burdened with the cares and problems of the journey that will appeal to any real tourists. In luggage after this tour are plenty impressedtions, a large number of photos and opinion about.

Author: World of translation
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