Rest in Gelendzhik (small review + video)


Recreation concept diverse, but Nickdo not dispute the need to escape from everyday life and spend time at the resort. Places and opportunities to relax great variety, although one of the most popular in Russia remains a seaside holiday. More precisely tourists go on. This is not some specific location or name, and the whole deposit coastal pearls –, Tuapse, Sochi and Gelendzhik. On the features of rest in Gelendzhik and would like to draw special attention.

What is the attraction holiday in Gelendzhik?


To start with the most important – warm sea, the availability of convenient bays and excary beaches. In the presence of a small section of sandy beaches and more than 100 kilometers of pebble coastal strip. Closed bay makes it possible to better warm sea water and to avoid the impact of severe storms and currents. Mountain range creates a natural barrier to cold air masses, which also has a positive effect on the temperature personsennosti Gelendzhik.


But the climatic features – it's not all that in the modern world affects the concept of « good rest & raquo ;. Gelendzhik infrastructural fully ready to receive tourists. In the presence of a new bus station and reconstructedthe airport. Established constant bus connection to the nearest railway station – Novorossiysk and Tuapse. The city is constantly being updated, improves both resort and residential areas. Built new comfortable hotels and hostels and motels. Updated sidewalks and areas of the waterfront. Develops new opportunities for the treatment of –so recently began active development of Gelendzhik mineral springs.


Gelendzhik is a relatively small city (about 55 thousand inhabitants), but it enjoys good public transport system. In 20 minutes you can get to Luband the desired point in the city.


especially well in Gelendzhik the entertainment industry. First, we should highlight the variety of possibilities:

  • Two cable cars, one of which is uniquetion for Russia (« Safari Park & ??raquo;);
  • The highest located in Russia Ferris wheel (mall « Olympus »);
  • clubs, discos, shows (including those carried out on ships on the high seas – club « Empire »);
  • unique architectural complex « Old Park & ??raquo; (N. Kabardinka);
  • Two Dolphinarium, in one of these performances are not in an artificial basin, and in specially fenced area of ??the high seas (n. Arkhipo-Osipovka);
  • huge selection EKSKOMrsionnyh tours and programs;
  • every two years Gelendzhik passes gidroaviashou scale;
  • the presence of exhibitions, museums, amusement parks;
  • five water parks, one of which is the largest outdoor water park in Russia (« Golden buCTA »).
And plus to this is the beautiful nature friendly people, southern flavor and modern shopping centers. You can relax in the lap of nature and indulge in habits that are firmly rooted in the inhabitants of large cities. Recreation for all tastes and financial condition and at the same time without trialLemma with passports, visas and customs. That's what at the moment is one of the best Russian Black Sea resort - Gelendzhik.

Author: World of translation
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