Why not move to Germany?


People who are thinking about moving to Germany should be aware not only of the advantages of living in this country, but also of the negative aspects of such a decision. The decision to change your place of residence is one of the most important in a person's life, and it must be deliberate and balanced. Editor-in-chief of the https://ru-geld.de/en/, highlighted several arguments against moving to Germany.

The gap between Germany and the former USSR has narrowed significantly

In the post-Soviet space, there is no longer such a shortage of goods as it used to be. But it was he who was one of the reasons why people thought about emigration from the scoop. Today, the difference in the quality and quantity of goods in Russia and in the West is almost imperceptible. But some people still hope for some kind of consumer jump, which supposedly awaits them upon arrival in Germany. The service and quality assurance is definitely better here, but that shouldn't be the primary reason for moving. Gone are the days when the Internet, mobile communications or technology were incredibly expensive in Russia. On the contrary, in Germany, the prices of communication and internet connections initially shock immigrants.

Do not confuse tourism with permanent residence

It's one thing to admire the beauty of Berlin once a year while drinking mulled wine on the square, and quite another to settle in Germany for a long time. After the move, 99% of your life will be sleeping, working, transporting and shopping. And only 1% is left to realize that you live in Germany and not in Russia.

Period of adaptation

Unlike the United States, where you can live peacefully in the Russian community and not even bother knowing English, such a trick will not work in Germany. Here you will need to plunge into the local flavor as much as possible, accept the German way of life as your own. But it even happens that after decades of living in Germany, an immigrant is still treated like a foreigner, and not "our own."

Family ties

No matter how eyes run up when moving to a new country, if you come with a family, you should pay attention to the fact that all its members can engage and realize themselves. It often happens that a spouse plunges headlong into a new interesting job, not noticing that the wife does not find a place for herself in a foreign country and is very sad. Not everyone has the ability to learn a language either, someone grasps everything on the fly from the very first days, and someone even several years will not be enough to memorize basic words. For almost all families, migration is a huge test of strength, and - alas! - not everyone passes this test.

The process of obtaining a residence permit

In many other countries, the relocation process is much easier than in Germany. Migration channels for the inhabitants of the third world are trying to limit in every possible way. Germany also does not want to drag along the multiple social problems of the EU. Here programmers, doctors, technologists are needed, to whom the authorities are ready to pay 3-4 thousand euros per month. But the fact is that a highly qualified specialist in Russia will receive the same money for the same job. And if you take into account the huge German taxes, then in Russia you will see a little more free money from the salary. Therefore, it is worth considering whether you are changing the awl for soap.

The process of obtaining citizenship

German citizenship is quite difficult to obtain in comparison with other countries of the European Union. First, you need to have at least eight years of continuous work experience in Germany. Secondly, the quality of language proficiency must be at the highest level. Thirdly, it will be necessary to pass a test of knowledge of the culture and traditions of Germany. Well, needless to say, you shouldn't have any problems with the law.

Property value

Low mortgage interest rates in Germany are extremely tempting. But the cost of real estate itself is so high that Germans sometimes pay for housing their whole life. Every month the Germans repay the amount (payment of the loan body + interest) equal to that which would have been spent on renting this housing. If almost every thirty to thirty-five-year-old Russian already has his own home, then 80% of German residents live in rented or only partially purchased apartments. And if the buyer suddenly wants to pay off the loan faster and put more on the loan, then the mortgage interest can also increase, since the bank sees a big risk in high monthly payments and wants to compensate for this somehow.

World financial crisis

This phenomenon is not going to bypass Germany. Retail sales are falling, unemployment is rising, funds are emptying, debts are piling up. No matter how German and world media try to hush up certain facts, sooner or later the current situation will end in a severe economic recession. But in Russia now is just a period of economic growth.

Based on these facts, we can conclude that life in Germany is not as cloudless as it can be.

Author: World of translation
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