The role of the pope in parenting

World of translation : Psychology
, 23:05

father & ndash ; importantI figure in a child's life. But being small, they are often unable to adequately assess the importance of a father in his life. For a young child, it is important to father was because the baby likes it always, anyone, regardless of his personal qualities and the degree of direct involvement in a child's life.

And just growing up, the child is aware of the fact that it represented the father as a person and teacher, how important was the influence of his father in process of socialization son or daughter.

Family roles and psychological climate

The division of responsibilitiesawns in modern is not so traditional, as usually. Quite often, young people wrote that the family has no clear division of responsibilities: who is free, he is engaged in housekeeping. It may be noted this feature as a trend. In addition, there are fathers who are much more significant than even the mother atNima on the burden of daily family problems (and it almost always working fathers!). Abroad, these fathers are called « new fathers & raquo ;. It turns out that a lot of fathers and us. However, there are many families where the mother a housewife or not working when the kids were little. It is interesting that even in this case the active fathers (and there are many) are not excluded from the conduct of home affairs and education children .


For the psychological climate in the family usually « answers » mother, to this point, almost all children. Apparently, especially the female psyche and traditional part women in the family as the « homemakers » help her to fulfill this function. But in the family x, where there is a strict division of labor between the parents ( father earns money, and his mother, and his mother only debarks all the household chores), psychological situation in the family is poor, the parents often quarrel. So that the trend towards a uniform distribution (equally between the parents) domestic duties, apparently, reflects the desire of spouses to egalitarian (partnerships) rather than traditional marriage.

Most grown children head of the family is called the father: he makes the important decisions in the family as a whole, and in the life of the child; his father usually has the last word, he is addressed mother and children to resolve serious problems.

The image of the father

The image of the father is usually positive. Unconditional exception SOSnent fathers who drink, not so much as is usually represented (« all men in Russia drink »), or children do not know about (and this is for the better), but the use of alcohol repellent child. Negative emotions in children may be associated with his father, who does not consider it necessary to maintain the RebbeNCA

father – important subject for his son and for his daughter. Relation to the sons and daughters of fathers different. With more boys require more exhibit rigidity. Girls love, caress, pet. Require too (unlike mothers), but in a different way. And for the sons and daughters for father is the object of imitation. For boys – this image of a man, they literally « mold » himself with his father. Girls father is often a model of her future husband. But the girls want to be like their fathers, copy their character, manners, and even householde habits.

  So, what functions are performed by fathers in the family s and how part they play in education child?

  1. Emotional support and protection in different situationtions, and most importantly, in terms of children ;
  2. The transfer of experience and knowledge about life, shaping the worldview;
  3. Parenting some specific human qualities (responsibility, commitment, etc.);
  4. Help to learn school subjects and other sciences and training;
  5. An introduction to the sport;
  6. Function « getter » &Ndash; most of the money in the family s still earn fathers.
TAkim way, is not supported by narrow-minded point of view, that the mother of a child's life is more important, and if it is, then the father does not seem to compulsory figures, its absence does not affect on the socialization of children . Adult children themselves confirm that this deep Zaboluzhdenie. father is always important, even if he does not live with the child and meet with him from time to time.

On this site you will find useful tips on education and development children .

Author: World of translation
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