Genre puzzles in pediatric scientific and popular literature

World of translation : Literature
, 19:37

Not once noted that puzzles reflect the children's experience of understanding reality, so in literature for children emergence of elements of the genre most organically.
Among the other literary genres is a mystery as cultural universals best reflects especially human cognitive activity, it played an importanteyshuyu role in the development of scientific ways of thinking. Among mnogochis ­ PARTICULAR functions puzzles in children's popular science as a major can be identified eV ­ Terrorism, didactic and mnemonic function. Puzzles and the elements of this genre are often used ­ are in the children's scientific and popular literature. Such texts are not teaching in the strict sense is ­ of the word, and are designed for readers child vozras ­ the one.

The fundamental characteristic of puzzles

The fundamental characteristic of puzzles Yaw ­ the latter's two-part structure: the question and the answer. The question itself (can not always be expressed formally) always requires a response, suggests it as integral ­ lemuyu part. The ability to put the question Extraordinary & shy but it is important for the process of learning about the world. The question is only when a man ACT ­ Sobienie highlight something discrete in space ­ but-time continuum, fix attention on an object, see its individual features and ha ­ teristics. This correlated with the production problems ­ we are in science, with the formulation of goals and objectives of investigation ­ ment. Cognition is the process but at the same time ­ discrimination. To be able to specifyamb question - does it mean to have the opportunity to ask him not only themselves, but also to another.

Puzzles in modern children's cognitive letter ­ round

In the modern children's cognitive letter ­ round puzzles includesmiling in the main text, along with puzzles, puzzles, tasks - educational backside ­ tions aimed at improving cognitive and practical activity of the child. Solving problems is more applied nature requires the solution of the riddle is in the mind - it develops the imagination and imaginative child's memory.


Pain ­ majority of series and individual books child cognitiv ­ tion of literature in its very name contains the question. For example, a number of encyclopedias: « What? Where? Koh ­ yes? & raquo ;, « where, what and when ? & raquo ;, « What? Where? Why? & raquo ;, « What is it? Who is? & raquo ;, « You want to know why? & raquo ;; possible ­ and aresuch options: « 1000 questions & raquo ;, « 100 Issues ­ owls and answers » etc. This does not mean that the content of the books will be built as a series of questions and answers, but, as a rule, the beginning of each section of ano ­ nicknames will begin with a question. For example, the three volumes of the Encyclopedia « What? & Raquo ;, « Where? & Raquo ;, « Co.GDS? & raquo ;, built as a series of answers to the relevant questions (Where were the dogs? Where are found elephants? Where are hiding in winter hedgehogs? etc.).
In the puzzle is most evident metaphorical ­ of natural language, it directly reflected di ­ alektika imaginative and logical thinking, subjective ­ tive and objective, concrete and abstrktnogo.

The social role of puzzles

In addition to stimulation of cognitive abilities is also very important social role of puzzles . As we mentioned above, guessing riddles was a special vi ­ house ritual and play behavior, inPart B Rita ­ le emphasized the involvement of the person in the team's active participation in the life of society.
It is often assumed, though one of the most important Cree ­ teriev selection of a smart pro ­ product is pragmatism, ie the person is ready to absorb only the information which he can apply directly to the life andbenefit from it. In our view, the need to join to knowledge, to feel a full member of society can Yaw ­ lyatsya no less significant incentive to obtain but ­ O (scientific) knowledge. This need is also characteristic of the child, especially hurrying to master the world of adults. Through the riddle, he is involved in the learning process, s ­ I ladevaetthe tongue of images and primary logic.

Question-answer odds ­ ma puzzles stimulates the attention and work of thinking, concrete and figurative language facilitates not only ­ to understanding, but and storing information. In the end of ­ scrap genre puzzles requires active participation in the processes ­ ce of knowledge. Extensive theme « mysterious » Jean ­ pa makes it almost universal means not only the explication of traditional and modern at the ­ scientific knowledge, but also their classification, and language dirtied ­ ki allows to present this knowledge in a clear and accessible way.

Children's site Pochemuchka - is a fascinating encyclopedia for children and their parents, where you will find answers to the most interesting children's questions.

Author: World of translation
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