Phenomenon hospitality in Russian folk tales

World of translation : Literature
, 19:31

Tale – quite independent literary genre, genetically related to the myth. According to the classification VJ Propp isolated tales: magic (magical-heroic), cumulative, animals, plants, inanimate nature and objects; Household or novelistic; fiction; tiresome tale. As the material for the studywill be taken mostly about animals and fairy tales as the most common types of this genre. In the breaking of the research topic of particular interest are social and personal aspects of fairy tales. We will try to analyze how in fairy tales can be traced aspect of hospitality, and how important it is ethically.

Tale "TereIOC "

One of the most famous fairy tales about animals – &Laquo; Teremok & raquo ;. The famous folklorist, ethnographer and collector of East Slavic traditions, legends, legends and fairy tales – Alexander Afanasyev (1826 – 1871) results in its collection of folk tales Russian three of itsoption under the name « Terem flies & raquo ;. Its main difference from the vast majority of fairy tales – an unhappy ending.

The main characters


Most of the main characters – demythologize semantically tagged representatives sotsicially disadvantaged baseman: fly-goryuha, louse-popolzuha, flea-popryaduha, mosquito Strider, lizard-sherosherochka and others. The moral and ethical standards require mutual assistance of representatives of the lower classes. And in the story the main ethical norm acts hospitality. Each new character is proposed to divide shelter to those who already live in the mansion.


But to a series of starry-eyed characters, weak and socially marginalized, gradually begin to join and others. Kuma Lisa appears. This iconic characters acting mythepic tradition as zoomorphic classifier tricks often directly in the language sphere. Symboliccal values ??associated with a fox in numerous mythologized, especially folk and fairy-tale tradition, form a nearly uniform and very stable set of values: cunning, intelligence, insinuation, agility, thievery, flattery, malice and so forth. In Russian fairy tales fox appears most often in the role of the trickster. WiZoom foxes usually associated notion of something false, insincere, questionable. It is also often a failure, as in the fairy tale « Teremok & raquo ;. With the advent of this tale fox planned dramatic line, although not yet quite noticeable.


The drama is enhanced with the introduction ofm the next character – . Wolf is a Slavic mythepic and fabulous tradition transition, marginal characters between the animal world and the human world. It was with him in the folk tradition associated transition rebirth of one incarnation to another: vampires and werewolves. He's a werewolf. And that he was the last one who does not violate those « rightrules of the game & raquo ;, which live in a hospitable house representatives « people & raquo ;. Entering into contact with them, it shows them their common essence. But, again, it is the figure of the border. And when it arrives to schedule a crisis. This is what happens with the advent of the last character – Bear.


Bear – not just one of the main characters of fairy tales, animal epic, true stories, riddles, proverbs and sayings. His supremacy is determined not only the size but also the similarity with humans. This similarity in many myths construed as referring to the total of their origin or origins of each other. The theme of the genusOPERATION seen in taboo name (title) Bear – it was called (by) – &Laquo; master & raquo ;, that is, the lord of the forest. Known « humanization & raquo ;, that is, the reverse process is traced bear names – Michael Ivanovich, Michael Potapych, Misha, Toptygin and so on. The symbolic significance of the bear is primarily due towith force, but also with cruelty, laziness, near certain. And, accordingly, in the animal epics, tales, etc. He often serves as a means of social satire. And it is the latter can be seen in this tale. &Nbsp;

The representatives of the lower classes related mutual assistance on the basis of hospitality, butwalks « master » &Ndash; representative government, always arriving own way, oppressor and ruining people. The semantics of oppression directly verbalized. In all the embodiments of AN Afanasyev, bear himself describes as « tyapysh-lyapysh, all podgnёtysh & raquo ;, « I forest oppression & raquo ;, « I – all you squash & raquo ;. In this tale, hospitality, acting as any universal ethical principle, is common to all, except the authorities. Power violates (a fairy tale in the truest sense) the ethical norms of society.

Author: World of translation
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