Can there be a harmonious relationship in marriage?

World of translation : Psychology
, 00:35

Wedding – one of the most exciting moments in the life of loving people. Each spouse is counting on the good and harmonious relations to a great age. But the holiday ends and begins not exactly pleasant, but notintegral aspect of married life - home. And often, in the words of the poet, the love boat breaks up on life and family relations. But first, there are all-consuming passion, and tender love. Only once these feelings are erased, and are replaced by confusion and dissatisfaction with each other. And the couple, recently racesused to read to share sorrow and joy for two, decided to leave because of the dissimilarity of characters. Why is it that even deeply loving people no longer understand each other, and can I avoid this?

In the family life of any person shall, with its own unique personality traits and characteristicscharacter. In marriage, these qualities are not lost, this also applies to the advantages and disadvantages. In vain to try to change your spouse. So as he (or she) has already formed personality. Remake rights, make it look like themselves – useless and stupid occupation. You can either break him as a person, or pazrushit their family relationships, has not yet begun to build them for real. Wise and prudent to come those who can put up with the shortcomings of its second half, or adjust them gently. So this is the other half has no idea about it.

Scattered around the apartment thing

Most of the men are annoying women that throw their stuff around the apartment. Restrain difficult, but try to play « hide & raquo ;! Pripryachte somewhere it necessary things, such as socks, so much so that he thought that he put them there. The result is not guaranteed from the first time, but it is possible that rpata time and effort to find things lead to the thought of having to comply with the order. Most importantly, do not be dogmatic and cutting. Men are like children, very sensitive and vulnerable! No need to throw away his things into the stairwell. He will take it as a call to another action. And instead of education in your favorite desired accuracy, you Ackolknete it to a very radical solution. He can exchange you on a more democratic a woman who is able to turn a blind eye on his little flaws.

personal space

Protect your personal space, keep your « I & raquo ;! Many wivesness make a big mistake by not living your life, and the life of her lover. How is it going? Woman fully adjusts himself, his personal time for her husband, fulfilling his desires and whims. He quickly gets used to it and becomes a family tyrant. And when you suddenly remember that you have your own personallife, you infringe upon its interests and to provoke conflict. Remember, love a person that does not mean that we should completely forget about yourself. Live your life, have their own interests and hobbies, keep their identity. This is only diversifies your relationship. Marriage – it is not a monastery, you do not have to break all connection with externalThese world. If you have friends, find time for them. Of course, this does not mean that the walls of your home, they should abide every day, morning, afternoon and evening, but meet every two to three weeks is acceptable.


RuleThird, and perhaps most importantly – Know how to take reasonable compromise. This applies to both men and women. Although the wise woman to smooth the rough edges get better. If your precious has premarital tradition for the new year to bathe with friends, do not raise a stink because of the fact that he does not take you there baaPET. Consider their habits! Then you will make concessions, allowing, for example, visit the sauna with friends!

If your loved one has a hobby, consider it a great advantage of it. Even if it is a hobby not quite clear to you. Just do not bother and do not laugh at his passion, and find employmente to their liking.


So, harmonious relationships in marriage are possible. Main – abide by simple rules. Be tolerant, refers to the shortcomings partner with humor, to be able to give in and stay yourself. And, of course, the foundation of a happy family life – this mutualnaya love. But love is like a fire in the fireplace. It is necessary from time to time to toss the wood that was not cold. And you feed off their bright feeling of mutual understanding, respect, support to his fire warming you up to old age.
Author: World of translation
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