Formation of a speech therapist lexical and grammatical categories

World of translation : Medicine
, 13:32

The education of preschool children in child care sovmesno with family lays the foundations of personality and nravstvennosti child. The solution of this problem is connected with communication preschooler. An important condition - complete the child's speech. By the end of the first year of life the child masters a few meaningful words. And the formation of the grammatical structure of speech continues for preschool age. As soon as developing mental processes Tekieas memory, thinking, perception, extended contact with the outside world, is the formation and enrichment of the dictionary. Lexical Dictionary enriched preschool and ordered, the words are grouped. Formation of lexical systematic preschool children occurs in different ways. Combining the words in the group is based on a thematic principle (egep, Fox – Nora, carrots – bed). Adults tend to combine words similar to the   the same concept (Fox – Wolf, carrots – vegetable).

The formation and enrichment of vocabulary in preschool   associated with the processes of word formation. Active and passive vocabulary quickly enriched by aboutderivatives of words. Formation sloobrazovaniya children in the linguistic, psychological aspects are considered in the study of children's neologisms (KI Chukovsky, S.N.Tseytlin   et al.). If a preschooler is not good enough looking to sell short, he begins to invent Assimilation previous rules, it can be observed in the children's word creation. BearDo notice and make adjustments to the child created a word if it does not meet the generally accepted. In preschool speech therapy classes provide enrichment passive vocabulary, introduction to speech development and supervision over the inflection and slovoobrazovaniem.Po this direction speech therapists and teachers use a variety of iodidekticheskie game.

The following is a material Bondarenko SV, working in the preschool group for children with severe speech disorders.
In his work uses innovative educational technology: a student-centered education, child support, education cooperation, developing trainedeniya, gaming, School health information and communication.

Games and exercises to enrich your vocabulary

1. Noun:

  - &Laquo; Who is it? & Raquo ;, « What is it? &Raquo; - Animate and inanimate nouns.
&Nbsp;- &Laquo; Spell a word » - General concepts – classification of the pictures, listening.
  - &Laquo; Fourth excess & raquo ;.
  - &Laquo; How are things » - A cup, glass, apple-pear, tomato, pumpkin, dish-bowl, chair-chair.
&Nbsp; - &Laquo; Pair to pair »   - To find words by analogy:cucumber, vegetable, flower, daisy, etc.
  - &Laquo; Spell parts » - The image,   on presentation.
  - &Laquo; Guess the object by name parts & raquo ;.
  - &Laquo; Who is who? &Raquo; - Enrichment of vocabulary, word formation +. &Nbsp;                

2. Verbs:

- « Who? What makes? &Raquo; - Choose a particular subject, specific action.
- &Laquo; Spell as many words, actions » subject to slovu- (What can a dog?).

3. Adjectives:

- « Pick up a sign » - As many words-signs.
- &Laquo; on the contrary Say » - antonyms (can play with chips, myachom0.
- &Laquo; What? What? &Raquo; - relative adjectives.

4. Adverbs (a sign of action):

- « on the contrary Say » - Antonyms.
- &Laquo; when it happens? &Raquo; - Adverbs of time that the child learnsafter all.
- « Where? Where? Location? &Raquo; - Left, right, top, bottom, middle, far away.

5. Inflection:

- « One - a lot » - Singular and plural nouns.
- &Laquo; Count 1-2-5 » - Coordination of nouns with numbers.
- &Laquo; What, what, what, what? &Raquo; - Coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender, number.
- Changing verbs from time to time, the numbers leave (can be from the pictures, by the demonstrated action).

6. Derivation:

- « Say gently » - Education diminutivenouns and adjectives.
- Education relative adjectives in the game « Shop » (Clothes, toys, fruits).
- &Laquo; Whose whose, whose, whose? &Raquo; - Formation of possessive adjectives (very difficult).
- &Laquo; Education verbs using consoles » (The pictures, by the demonstrated action).
- « cognate Education (related) words – creative teachers.
- « Spell family » - Bear, bear, bear, bear cubs (Bear, etc.).
- Highlighted the use of prepositions. &Laquo; Who lives where? &Raquo; (In prepositions,   TO).

in the younger group is accumulationof vocabulary, using a simple grammar games, folk art speech + Motion. Normally developing child spontaneously seizes grammar of the language.
Author: World of translation
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