Technical assistance on the road: general information, price.

World of translation : Auto
, 13:39

A bit of history

The first official company providing of the help on the road appeared in our country only in 1994, when our Roads became appearingtsya expensive cars whose owners, often did not understand and did not want to understand their device.

Until then, the existence of such a service was not particularly necessary because cars were few, and not every motorist was ready to pay for what he would change a tire or a light battery. Mostcould do it yourself.

completely different picture today : cars on the road has become much more complicated and their device. Very popular among motorists myth that you can not get a light one car from another, as can burn « brains & raquo ;. Spare tire productionItel hide all sophisticated and not every driver knows where his car is the reserve. Established jacks are often unable to raise the car and wheel wrench Do not remove the nut. And why suffer when you can call and wait.

Fortunately, today there are many different services from mobile to winomontazha. However, let's order:

What are the difficulties encountered first specialists in the provision of technical assistance?

All of them had considerable experience in car repair. Each must have been a professional in their field, and such pustyaki as a dead battery did not cause difficulties. But what if the client asks him to get the keys from the trunk of a closed car? Experience the service station here is useless. Such emergencies were many and no master could not alone solve all the difficulties that arise. Had to constantly communicate and consult with a colleagueof, and sometimes going to a consultation. Thus, between the mechanics evolved friendly relations based on mutual aid, which persist to this day, despite the competition. Today, all of them – true professionals and raised a generation of students. Naturally, each of them began to appear constant Klienthou, and many left the big company and build your business.

Today   day in Moscow alone there are more than 40 service providers. In other regions, their number is significantly less, because, firstly, Moscow car much more than in the other cities in the second middle income Muscoviteit is higher than in the country.

The cost of technical assistance on the road

But despite the intense competition, of the help for DoreAage – the service is still not cheap. Just work, for example, start the engine with a dead battery will cost you in Moscow on average 2,000 rubles. For opening locked car doors will have to pay 2500 rubles. Such a slightly inflated price is due to the specificity of services. After an emergency andarrive at the mechanic should be at least one hour after the call. So, most of the time he has to wait for the call. It is for this expectation and we have to pay. Judge for yourself, would you like to enroll in a queue for what would you change a tire on the road? Also do not forget that almost all the mechanics in Moscow communicatetogether. For example, you can call to multiple companies, and all calls come to the same mechanics as he alone will be in close proximity to you.

True to quickly come to the client turns out, unfortunately, not always. In winter, for example, the mechanics   more calls than in summer. During strongtion of frost number of calls to phones services breakdown exceeds all conceivable limits. In those days easier to get on foot, than to wait for those help .

Author: World of translation
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