Apply the hot-rolled steel sheet?


today, black metal is very widely used in the production of an enormous array of products. Hot rolled steel sheet is one kind of flat metal products of rectangular cross section which is a planar products of a thickness of from 0.15 to 5 cm

Produced his way by the method of rolled slab, pre-heated in ovens and then brought to the desired thickness. These sheets produced from different steel grades, the quality and properties of which directly depends on the methods of its use and purpose. Needless to say, such products can easily lend themselves to nearly all types of metal processing.

the High cost of hot rolled flat products in our country is determined by the popularity of its use. But even so, you still have the option to purchase this product at an affordable price. For example, ticks all the boxes and has affordable price.



Today, hot-rolled sheet steel with etched surface of the most in demand in those industries, which place high and specific requirements directly to the quality of the surface. We are talking about a surface that is freed from scale, which appears during the production. Etched surfaces are subsequently treated with a protective coating, often zinc. This process is called "galvanizing". This variety of steel products used in the production of shaped sheets, pipe and cold-rolled type.

hot Rolled sheet steel, as well as other kinds of hire, is widely used in household and industrial construction. In parallel with the cold-rolled article hot rolled used in the manufacture of: fences, fences, staircases, metal products and metal structures for different purposes, armored and conventional doors made of metal. It is indispensable also in automotive, shipbuilding and engineering industries.

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