Nicests failure iPhone the iPad


Many koristuvach products Apple uvajaut scho h bristro not just Stylin ale I Nadin. At every Razi in this required Rospatent. In order dwellers TSE perevet, spivrobitnyky service center held dozen telefonw, that potrapila repair. In this dozen took the fate of about vssat nespravna iPhone. Mistry pobachili duzhe Scavo I don't Delavigne picture, about 30 % telefonu Buli s razbitymi the screen. TSI really gadgety duzhe stradaut this problem. Vaughn to talk about those, scho duzhe not vlasnici neatly to tabletsa to their devisu.

Other nevertheless popular breakdown TSE popaganda water on / in the phone (about 20 %). When vicorian phone primmest s vysokou volost, resultat trimana Yogo mokrie hands toscho. Often in such vipadkah lamatina Home button. Her further Pautina VSI apart button . bezposrednio he devel m the phone. Vzhe possible to do visnovok scho often phone lamaute s Winnie vlasnika through Yogo not acuratly. Yea pastave govorito about those scho nastup model remontuoti bude nabagato skladisce, scho to such pristrom need bude stabilise nabagato Tbilisi.

Exactly tak W] Yak ) . " s iPhone iPad. So very often in servce center potreplyut planchete s razbitymi the screen. Stupni breakage can be easily oceniti. To dosit know, Chi resbalosa tilki slopes or slopes together with matrix. TSE all saleit lachey from one factor - from Seeley shock. Scho States volage, middle planchet nabagato less damage through water, than have telefonu.

However, the iPad , NSA problem - TSE samna Butare ABO problem iz saradnik pristrom. Statistics pokazu scho s such a problem shortuts in three Razi castle, than z podbil repair the iPhone. Mauger scolastica vrazhennya scho planchete Apple vegetable not balivo, ale TSE not. TSE often simply the human factor. Koristuvach himself mg spavati the battery. So needless asking problems s tray for SIM-card or Wi-Fi. Obumble TSE Tim, scho mcroskey Reztsova on the very edge of pay.

it is Possible to do visnovok scho blesst troubled pristrom remontuoti in service centers across win the ruler.

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