Bank robberies
In the bank robbery can not be anything funny, except, perhaps, those cases where unfortunate robbers get into absurd situations and thereby do not have time to complete their villainous intentions. Here are a dozen of the most bizarre bank robberies.
10. Fruit bomb
A rather unusual way to rob a bank decided resident of the small town Mateuala, which is located on the outskirts of Mexico . An intruder threatened bank employees with jammed fruit in his hand, giving out it as a grenade. Arrived in time guards of order have detained a hapless criminal, in passing neutralize brought by him "explosive device".
9. Unsuccessful Robin Hood
In very strange way happened a robbery of one of the U.S. banks. Robber burst into bank office and demanded money from the cashier, handing him a note. As soon as the cash been in his hand, the robber immediately left the bank building. Then he stopped the bus, entered it and started giving all passengers cash, that he some time ago robbed. Within a few minutes the failed Robin Hood was handcuffed. With regard to the stolen money, almost all of the passengers returned them back, although some passengers still managed to escape with cash.
8. Bankers have returned money for the robber
The manager of one of the Austrian banks managed to steal from his workplace about 250 thousand dollars, and gold coins and bullions. A few months later he nevertheless was caught, however, by the time he had already spent all the money. But gold has left. With this gold, in fact, he payed the insurance services, which fully offset the loss of banking organization. Since then, have passed about 20 years and a lawyer, who defended a robber decided to return the money, which at one time had stolen his client. As it turned out, neither the bank, which has received its percentages, neither the insurers that covered their costs thanks to changed value of the gold, had no claims to the thief. And after the Austrian court had examined all the details of such an amazing case - was issued a ruling, according to which the stolen money from the bank should have to be returned back to the robber.
7. A bad example
Yekaterinburg robber, who saw on the central TV channel the report about a raid on a branch of the Moscow Bank, decided to commit such a crime. Thief came to the bank and threatening with a pistol for two female cashiers demanded money. On offense residents of the Ural's capital went in gloves, but, strangely, without a mask. Bank employees managed to quickly press an alarm button, and a failed wannabe was arrested on the spot.
6. On a tow
With original approach to the matter distinguished robbers from St. Petersburg. The three men arrived at night to the office of the credit institution and broke a door with tow. Once they got inside, criminals attempted to open the ATM, however, fortune that day was not on their side. After the not accomplished robbery they hurried to escape from the crime scene.
5. Samurai and hammer
Fortune also did not smile the robber from Japan. The criminal from the Country of Rising Sun tried to rob a bank with a hammer. But he needed a lot of time in order to break a septum, separating him from bank employees. Cashiers managed to call the police squad, gather all valuable and escape through the service exit. The money, of course, were not in place by the time when the robber nevertheless had managed to get inside .
4. Only non-cash items
However, domestic robbers do not want to lag behind foreign. For example, recently in Altai one person tried to rob a bank twice. An intruder told a female cashier to give all cash, however, she could not do this, even if she wanted to fulfill this requirement. It turned out that this office simply didn't work with cash money.
Perplexed robber had quickly escaped. But he decided to continue his "black affairs". Failed in Biysk trick he tried to repeat in Belokurikha. No matter how it sounds funny, but the situation has exactly repeated. It should be noted that operatives did not have to make special efforts for identification of the robber.
3. With saber
Very exotic weapons for deterrence has chosen resident of Toulouse, which is located in the south of France. He came with a saber to the bank department. Threatening bank employees with death, he demanded to fill a bag which he brought with money. And as if all went according to plan. However, at the exit of the bank he accidentally ran with manager. Frightened offender wounded him with brought weapons and then escaped, leaving the bag with stolen goods on the spot.
2. Official complaint
Another enterprising robber came into the office of banking organization almost immediately after its opening. Brandishing with weapon, he began to call the cashier to give him all the money. It seems to be a common scheme. That's just was no the cash at the box office. But the indignant robber did not retreated, as in his place would have done many, and began to write the official complaint to the management of the credit institution. During this time the police arrived and arrested the unfortunate fighter for justice.
1. Turned to the dark side
A resident of the U.S. state of Ohio dressed in the image of one of the main characters of "Star Wars" - Darth Vader decided to rob a bank. Wearing a mask of the leader of the Galactic Empire, the offender entered the office of local credit institution and at gunpoint demanded the bank employee to give him cash. Having received the required, robber escaped on a bicycle from the crime scene. However, this case is not the only one. Earlier Darth Vader robbed another bank - on Long Island.