Bank loans (credit)
Remember that exactly сredit organizations in their advertising rollers promise borrowers: the lowest interest rates , rapid signing of loan programs, no problems with signing. But, when nominating advertising slogans banking institutions for some reason fail to mention, that the costs of potential borrowers will not be limited only by interest rates . In addition to them, banks also like to add a variety of additional fees, compared with which the percentages of the loan at maturity appear the most insignificant paragraph of the borrower's expenses. But how for earlier understand how much money credit organization wants to earn on you?
It is necessary to share information
Quite recently the banking organizations, operating in the territory of the Russian Federation lived very freely, and they in their advertising rollers were allowed to specify such a rate of interest that, in their opinion, could attract potential borrowers. Moreover, this interest rate was quite legitimate prescribed and in the loan agreement, which was provided for trusting borrower, and others important details either were specified in small print at the end of the contract, either simply were referred by mysterious word combination " bank fares", which has said almost nothing for those who do not know all the details of crediting of borrowers.
But this approach to providing loans to individuals caused massive disappointment in ordinary inhabitants. And how can not to be disappointed, when the borrower makes out a loan at 10% per annum but in the result, already during the first year overpays the credit institution three times more.
At the present time, due to changes in the legislative framework, all has changed significantly, however, banking institutions have not stopped to deceive their own clients. But borrowers got an opportunity to obtain information about the total cost of received loans, yet until the moment, when the loan agreement was signed.
Something about commission fees
But if to think seriously, then from what parts this final cost consists? Many people mistakenly believe that in this notion are included only the sum taken in debt and the interest rate. But financial experts explain that the total cost is composed of all associated with signing and repayment of loans payments, which the borrower is obliged to pay the credit institution and third parties (eg, insurance companies). This also includes all commission fees that are charged by financial institutions at any stage of repayment of the loan. But how much in fact must be these commissions?
For example, "a classic set" of commission fees, when you sign such a credit program as a consumer credit, includes:
- fee for consideration of the application for loan obtaining;
- fee for providing a loan;
- fee for opening and further maintenance of borrower's loan account;
- fee for early loan repayment.
Agree that its a lot. And this is only the so-called classic commission set. And as practice shows - only on such fees the borrower who has issue the credit may overpay the credit institution up to 25-30% of the total amount of credit.
Can the issued by bank loan be profitable?
Speaking about the benefits of loans, of course, we mean such variants, when overpayments by them are reduced to minimum. And if before the potential borrowers were not able to obtain information, about how exactly will be the level of overpayments on the loan, then today they have a right to get acquainted with such information. And besides, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, bank consultant when communicating with potential borrowers even before signing the loan agreement is obliged to tell them the full value of the loan.
Video: "How Banks Control the World Through Debt"