Looking for a job abroad

World of translation : Business
, 17:53

Unstable, difficult economic situation in Ukraine is pushing our fellow citizens to seek work somewhere abroad. The lack of jobs, low wages, and insecurity are the main causes of labor migration in Ukraine. According to different statistics, foreign States are about 3 million Ukrainians, but just calculate how much do migrant workers went abroad - it is impossible.

the Most popular country in terms of labour migration of our citizens for many years has been and remains Russia. And despite the current tense between Ukraine and Russia, where 50 % of all applicants give their preference to the Russian Federation. The main reasons for this are: knowledge of the Russian language, lack of visa regime, the relative proximity and the opportunity to stay in Russia for 90 days. In addition, in Russia it is much easier to find prestigious and high-quality work, than, for example, in the EU. Also, Ukrainians are often looking for a job in Spain, Poland, Italy, Czech Republic and Portugal.


TOP 5 most popular areas of work for our citizens abroad:

  • /x seasonal harvest;
  • construction;
  • the mining industry;
  • light industry (seamstresses, packers, packers);
  • the service sector (nurses, salesmen, waiters, maids, cashiers).

You can get a job abroad both independently and with the help of specialized agencies. By the way, if you need you can find on the website educat.com.ua. Let's look at 2 of these options in more detail.


Find work abroad on their own

If you decided to find a job abroad, then you yourself with the help of the global web or their own friends looking for a foreign firm-the employer gathers independently the necessary documents, using the firm-the employer make out his work visa. And on arrival you, again, find a place to live, and completely solves all the organizational issues. In this case, there is some risk to fall into the hands of speculators. For this reason for employment abroad is better to use the services of international and domestic recruiting agencies.


Find work abroad with agencies

Staffing Agency take the paperwork, and also almost all the organizational work. In addition, they will help the applicant to make a correct summary, translate it into appropriate foreign language, and send all the necessary documents to the firm offering the vacancy. Also, recruitment Agency looking for accommodation and the best route to the destination, provide all possible support and advice for the duration of the employment contract.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate": translate.yandex.ru.

Author: World of translation
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