Scho predstavlja autorefractometer


Autorefractometer (autorefkeratometer) - TSE computer'yuternyy device that vykorystovuyutsia ophthalmologists and optometrists for analso salamiyya statnot eye. Danny device DOPOMOGA viewlet tak patolog, Yak:

  • delegators;
  • astigmatism;
  • korotkosherstnyh.

Device polegche the challenge pdbio vapona ocular. By the way, in Ukraine pridbati VI can compan Ravita Ukraine :

the basis of work to attach saladino " algorithm dozvola scho s high level doctornet in automatic regim vincati refraction. Visoka shvidki I tochnosti schedule tsogo mind obladnannya have prizvali to Yogo vikoristannya active in oftalmology practic.

Virobnichi proponuyut RSN Modific aparatw scho varanytsia one from one konstruktsy first dostupnymi mozliwosciami. For example, autorefkeratometer podno! refracto I keratometer.

Najprostszy option - TSE portation prelude scho used, as a rule, for my obtienne I pactv s obmezheniy mozliwosciami movement. Although those scho podrn bristro postupitsya have Shvydkoj I tochnost statename models, easy exploitat I unversalist spruyt frequent zvernennya to them in oftalmology practic.

VSI suchen automation, refractometry SDAT pracowali in declick modes. Option obsazena (minimalna cutlist, vertacnik distance) zadayutsya whichever from prebacivanja diagnosis. Blesst priladiv patriat a wide range of dodatkowych functions:

  • the holding of keratometer;
  • anals topograf rogue;
  • vivchennya refract have pactv s implantologie elements I in contact lsah;
  • sub ktown to get through.

VSI Dan vimiryuval dobrata on Cran, mozhut Buti nozdrunova I sberian for podolskogo sposterezhennya.

viber of autorefractometer Varto considered a number parametru, od yakih Buda, talegate trust koristuvach I dagnostika price. To them otnosjatsja:

  • mozliwosci ndial adapter the device;
  • shvidki I tochnosti navedena;
  • the maximum allowed under pochivka bakatonosama vimrc;
  • coefcient doctornet.

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