Why should rest in Egypt?

World of translation : Countries, Travel
, 12:12

Egypt has established itself as 1 of the most popular tourist countries. That is why a great number of people today purchase .


Here you can find:

  • very beautiful sea;
  • the most ancient monuments of world culture;
  • hotels for every budget and taste;
  • a huge lot of interesting excursions.

Modern Egypt is 1 of the few Islamic friendly States, which are open for tourism. There are monuments of the most ancient history religion and Eastern tradition combined with tolerance towards foreigners, the magnificence of luxurious buildings and the development of tourism. In addition to a rich history, travelers are attracted also by the unique nature: endless sandy beaches, vast deserts with their fabulous mirages and unrealistically beautiful coral reefs of the red sea.

just before visiting Egypt, you should learn about the cultural characteristics of the state. The basis of the population (90 %) are Muslims, while the share of Christians is 10 %. In Egypt, devout Muslims do not drink alcohol, though I have nothing against its moderate consumption in other people. But anyway, if the tourist is not in a resort area, and in some local institution before you drink alcohol, it needs to ask permission. In addition to the ban on alcohol, Muslims also do not eat pork, so while vacationing in Egypt, you should forget about it.


In Egypt you will find:

  • the bright sun;
  • comfortable hotel;
  • a very interesting tour;
  • the vast desert landscapes;
  • sandy beautiful beaches;
  • the coral reefs of the red sea;
  • hospitable inhabitants;
  • a unique culture.

Here, every traveler will find something for everyone. You can enjoy Arabic cuisine at the various cafes and restaurants. On the noisy and colorful Oriental bazaars, you can buy amazing Souvenirs. In the labyrinths of the Egyptian Pyramids, you can touch, and in cognitive and romantic cruise on the Nile you can admit your love of the 2nd half. At sunset you can practice on Quad bikes with friends in the vast desert.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate": translate.yandex.ru.

Author: World of translation
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