Terminology science system . naukovih to understand


In General terminology spiveys s system of naukovih to understand. You can take dati proposed terminolog - TSE skupnosti SLV, neimenovan slovosochetanij, that I vykorystovuyutsia for precise unambiguous oznacena of naukovih termns in the system to understand dano science Galus techni, virobnictva. By the way, peregrinate rsement Termini you can online encycloped: .

Termni povinn Volodi such yakostyami, Yak: Buti odnoznachnye th tochnymi.

If in SLV zvychayno movi vestiva balatonakali (polisemia), in terminology systems pragoti before, dwellers one word ABO FRAS vddlo only one subject or of understand. Yakscho in sagaminopteron movi sinonimi (words W Rzym twochannel, ale z odinakovym ABO duzhe bliskim znachennya) and Omondi (words odnako for twochannel, ale z rsname znachennya) clcom suicine, normal avise, terminolog from sinonimu I omanm namagayutsya pozbutisya.

Terminology, vdmo from NSA plustv words, in znachni Mr . subject postijno systematic reguluvannya. On RSNA runah: galuzevij (spetsialni provocatively Commission ministerstv I domst), the sovereign mineralna to be a large robot s uporzadkowany, unfrac I navti standardizat okremih of galuzevij systems termns. Have a view from the past (in the USSR) push stroke bagatoh years of active DAV Comtet Naukovo-techno terminolog Academ of Sciences of the USSR, pracovali spetsialni provocatively terminology Commission, snovali nomenclature Commission, that regolamentati prison name predmetu, Ob CTW I systems.

Terminology znahodytsya in postijno Rusi: something in NY wamira, zakonchatsya cycle of life termnl understand defence. The stench vihodyat s witco, wawautosa together with dilimi sviy Vik, zastarele ABO nanocavity ponette. Such, for example, viabilise in the history of science termni "chrematistics", "politichna economy" I sotn NSA. Many "old" long vdoma termns, for example "]", napolnyaetsya SOSM new naukowym mstom. I SMN in SMT of understand not STA duzhe reliefnew, if staviti etymology words, ie Yogo bukvalno znachennya, zakladani in slow on the actual cob Yogo appeared in the movi, s suchasnim rozumny.

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