Why need career guidance to teenagers in schools?


Recent years in our country there is a problem of imbalance of the labor market and market of educational services. In particular:

  • lack of correspondence between the number and structure of jobs, which determine the demand for labour, with the number and structure of economically active population;
  • the
  • Uneven regulatory definite system of classification of occupations the demand of employers in the workforce with a particular classification;
  • the Discrepancy between the professionally qualified structure specialists-graduates of educational institutions to labour market needs;

    the Overproduction of certain professions, professionals and the like.

These problems are more related to the younger generation. Therefore there is a need for appropriate steps by the state to address urgent problems of vocational guidance, employment and secondary employment of the youth. By the way, more information you can read on the website: http://www.profguide.ru/proforientation-school/.

With the aim of informing students about the features of the labour market, the youth job centres jointly with the structural divisions of regional state administrations on Affairs of family and youth hosts a variety of guidance activities: thematic meetings, seminars, training classes for high school students, students of higher educational institutions and the unemployed.

With the aim of promoting professional self-determination of senior pupils is developed and implemented career-oriented programs. In the framework of these programmes was monitored professional intentions of high school graduates. With the future profession finally decided on average 32.4% of high school students about to decide to 32.5% of the respondents, 19.7% of high school students have several options for occupations, 13.2% of the respondents are still thinking about the choice of profession, and 2.2% did not know which profession to choose, and are in a state of confusion.

today the most popular professions among young people are: programmer, Manager, lawyer, physician, economist. Characteristically, high school students rarely prefer working professions.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate": translate.yandex.ru.

Author: World of translation
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