The principle of work Guinevere pump


Gwindow pump and skudutis s ODN ABO declick pairs sacrlett guintu zi special proflam narski, that rosena s small promecam in roztochany corpus. Guintoli pump tilki Mauger mstate one Quint ABO auger, ale in toprivate TAC pump and not znajshli zastosuvannya. Akravim butt this obladnannya yea .


is a structural diagram of Guinevere pump

final provde Quint (rotor) 1 I two of Bokova wedenig guinta (samtac) 3 mayut profl narski, DOPOMOGA yakogo, sacss, the stench vdoskonalyuyuchys one schodo one etorouji, spline, s pournami of Rostock in corpus 4 sealed decremen from smartauto I ninetale Mistral Cameri. TSI Cameri in Obertan guintu transferring usdeur OCI rotor (podno rdini Giz) iz case smaltovane in the area nagana, de Vitsenets rdina scho I have sapovnela. Zavdyaki this principle d, the pump theoretical story Plavno flow rdini and Mali riven noise in robot. TSE one s golovnih Pereval tonesesv of this type. Widen guinti oberhause pid du forces Tesco rdini I will not avantageuse krutim moment, and the whole Vusal pump good urunlerini.


Technon characteristics of the pump:

  • Gwindow pump and SDAT pracowali z high number oberts: 3000...6000 Rev / min I wide;
  • Range znaceni podac takozh duzhe wide - je Mal pump and, razvivayut flow of about 3 l / min, and velik - up to 6000 l / min;
  • Working tisk trivunovich nasasv s flow up to 100 l / min can dosapati: 10...25 MPa, and the great tiparos not working tisk perevesu 4...6.3 MPa;
  • Gwindow pump and usually rosehaven on nevelik podac up to 40 l / min I porwnanie small tisk: 4...6.3 MPa.

Nedelei of quentovic nasasv ):

  • nameslist reguluvannya h rabochego Ob mu;
  • trudnosti arigatomina one z one I pumps NSIH tips;
  • grch, than have NSIH, overall-vagov pokusniki.

Zastosuvannya Guinevere pump

Wide posyannya in tosisema machines, quality basic, guinto pump and did not otrimali I vykorystovuyutsia, Golovnin rank in the actuators according metallic verstat I press Yak dopamin for stvorennya great innings when holostic speeds. And also in installations for Holocene I flotrac roboco rdini.

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Author: World of translation
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