How to recognize the sectarians? What to do if your child got into a sect? This article describes the main dangers of sects, the signs by which you can determine, that the person is in a pseudo spiritual organization, and how to save your relatives from the religious fraudsters.
Each person in the process of personality formation sooner or later begin to think about the concepts, that go beyond the material world. He takes an interest in the sense of life and events, the essence of things, retribution for the actions, the existence of life after death and other worlds. Someone starts enthusiastically read books, someone asks parents, and someone asks friends and acquaintances.
Today, unfortunately, more than ever its likely that such a seeker simply will get to the fraudsters. Pseudo spiritual organizations - sects represent particular danger. After all if harm was caused to the body, it can be easily corrected, then with the soul and mind everything is much more complicated. And in the spiritual and ideological vacuum of post-Soviet space appeared too many people who use current situation and make a profit on the eternal desire of human soul to light and sense.
What to do if your relatives are caught in shackles of such an organization? How to rescue your relatives from the shackles of spiritual alcoholism?
It is very difficult. Especially if you the sectarians succeeded to "catch for the bait" immature child's soul. About this we should talk in more detail.
First of all, as in any extreme situations - do not panic. Initially its better to carefuly find out whether your child is in any organization. In no case do not show your dissatisfaction or anger. On the contrary, show your interest in his new hobby, ask him to tell more about: what he is engaged in and where. Even try to express a desire to share his interest.
Once you get the information about the organization - consult with the people who study the sects. Each city has a special services, which details can be found in the Internet or periodical publications. There you will be given all the necessary information about the sect and the ways of man's salvation from it.
Yes, exactly salvation. It is worth saying a few words about the dangers, which sects are fraught.
The first sign that this is exactly a sect - a sharp change in the man. People always lose the ability to think critically and analyze their actions. This leads to terrible consequences: people leave their homes, start stealing, then occurs complete destruction of the will, and then destruction of the identity.
Everyone thinks what exactly he will never get into the trap, that his children would never become sectarian. This is a mistake. Everyone can get into the sect. The only thing that matters - is that for a person who has a loving family and friends, its much easier to get out.
Cultists are widely used hypnosis and zombification of consciousness - "brainwashing" as they say. This is the reason why people believe in things, in which no sane person would believe.
In fact, no one will ever invite your child to the sect. The sectarians task is to drag man into their ranks, before he will find out anything about them. Therefore, they will invite to sports clubs, dancing, meetings, courses, events, or anything in a similar kind.
Your task - is to be especially attentive to the child, when he is going through stressful moments. Moving, the beginning of study, the first unsuccessful love - this are the moments which can push man into the arms of the sectarians. Also try to inculcate your child sufficiently strong principles and at least partially give him the answers to the questions, in order your child will not go to look for the answers on the side.
The sooner you will recognize the danger, the higher probability that you will be able to successfully get out your relative. Because a sect works on the principle of drug - its members require new and new dose, and if they do not receive it - coming abstinent syndrome.
But you should never give up. Love, care and understanding are capable on many things. The main thing - never lose vigilance.