What motokazu to choose between the advice of the seller of the online store "Home & garden"


Today we talk with the seller of the online store "Home & garden" Alexander and learn how to choose motokazu. So there you go...


Tell me, how many years have you sell garden equipment, including trimmers?

for more than 20 years of selling brushcutters and trimmers, and for more than 13 years myself use outdoor equipment!


What is the question most often asked by buyers?

More than 90% of the buyers who came to buy motokazu ask a specific question: "What motokazu buy to work well and not very expensive have to pay for it?". When you offer people a tool firms Husqvarna, Stihl, MAKITA or Maruyama, the buyer asks the standard question: "And what is the capacity of the base model?", And received the answer: "0.8 kW or 1.1 HP, people usually says: "thank you, I don't need", although he doesn't understand - why did he have a lot of power. Quite frustrating when the buyer, after hearing my arguments, is to seek a powerful "German" or "Slovenian" motokazu 3 kW for half-price from brand manufacturers, and he finds what he was looking for. But in the end, as a rule, he bought a rotten mood, and anywhere and spoil your health! More information you can read in .


Brushcutters unknown producers: cost whether you buy them?

the cheaper brushcutters, the poor in her stuffing. The purchaser flatters himself: "I am not a professional!" or "Yeah, how many of the plot!". Came home, made the mix and go! Spending a skewed plot of 10 acres 2 liters of gasoline, quite happy with the gardener, confident in his choice. After 3 to 4 mowing in a person begins to ache ... and this is not surprising: the weight of a cheap "powerful" spit more than 2 times from the 128th Husqvarna or 55th Calm, but this is not the problem ... the Problem is that cheap trimmers is very injurious to health.

the Second problem is the carb! How many times have I heard from the servisniki - do not take in repair "like the German" trimmers! Usually, carburetors are made so lousy and of poor quality components to handle them in time is almost impossible! The consumer is nervous, and spit "roars and moans", but not decimated.

the Third problem is the gearbox! The reducer is made of metal very low marks, with admixtures of graphite. If the grass is rolled up in the grass, the gearbox snatches with a barbell. Well, if the market is similar gearboxes, but if not? The seller will tell You that it was a "mechanical failure" and will be (unfortunately) right!

If you add up the cost of repairs plus the cost of restoration of health you should think - what to buy in the future.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate": translate.yandex.ru.

Author: World of translation
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