Choose a dedicated server

World of translation : Computers
, 16:34

the activities of a huge number of webmasters may come a time when the hosting provider asks you to either reduce the load or even to pick up with shared hosting your web sites. It is possible that Your website or websites really began to require huge server resources and it's time to think about your own dedicated server (dedicated server).

the server gives the tenant much more options than shared hosting. There are no restrictions on the number of websites that You will post, you can also install the necessary software and actually, you are completely independent from any whims of the hosting provider.


Initially, it would be better to rent a dedicated server, rather than buying your personal. You ask: why is it so?

  • first, the initial investment is much less;
  • secondly, if after a while, suddenly, Wysechoice to transfer your web sites in a 2nd data center or to sell them, then You just need to stop paying the rent.

another question Arises: who to rent a dedicated server?

Well, the options here are many. So, a lot of companies that offer their customers shared hosting service, in addition also rent a dedicated server. There are also specialized hosting companies that do only dedicated servers, additionally you can take a server to rent directly in the data center. For example, a dedicated you can rent in "Deletehost":


Choosing a dedicated server, you should pay attention to six key points:

  • in what country is the data center your dedicated server;
  • what is the port speed on your server;
  • what condition of deterioration and the equipment in your server;
  • what volume of traffic included in the monthly fee;
  • what is the cost of the lease;
  • what is the reputation of the data center and hosting provider.

in addition, mandatory specify which services the server admin will be given to You and whether You will be able, for example, to restart your server yourself, if suddenly it will crash.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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