May LTL PON: Friendship is Magic (COMx)

World of translation : Literature
, 22:01

May LTL PON: Friendship is Magic - COMx, that Vidalia IDW Publishing for Hasbro lansu world in MLP: FiM. Skladatelja with osnovno ser I declick dodatkowych series. All comci cycle mayut segalini Canon: ti Sam persona sustris in different series, and in fact, in some ustanovlen, shadowtime in other. This Canon goes on dodatok to the Canon series. COMx posizionata for starso auditor vanatu, and the authors Bula Dana Vanessa freedom from viber SageTV. Hasbro only sometimes napravlyayut im request pokazati in CADR in Chi hogo character: for example, Tealove potrapila to the first plan, if Hasbro released a management for kolekcjoner in Complect C exclusive (in the US) fgura Tealove, I asked comkit - pokazati. By the way, based on comcs boules stvoren flash igri, in which, by the way, you can pagrati on site: .

COMx (vypuski 15-26) trimas prize Ursa Major Award Yak the best of anthropomorphy COMx 2014. Pers comci did broach drukowanie out after the 2nd season on screens. Series rozbita on clka sujetni arches on 2-or 4 VA ri vypuski in cutaneous.

  • Transfer Korolevy Cristals (# 1 - 4) respond about povernennya perverts;
  • Bezmen story arc (# 5 - 8), well-known Yak Nightmare Rarity, respond about povernennya temnih duhv misyatsya, that range perevodili the Princesa Msacl in Msacn pan;
  • Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair (# 9 - 10) respond about the adventures of the Great Poppy Ltname festival;
  • Neigh Anything (# 11 - 12) roscrea history of znayomstvo shinng Armor and Cadance Princesa;
  • Miy little Prat: Friendship Ahoy (# 13 - 14) respond about the adventures golovnih Heron, that became a team prutskogo vehicle;
  • Shasta arch COMx (# 15 - 16) respond about knyzhkovoi cerv Yak, which pod books bamatec Skorki a renewing of Viadana personal;
  • Reflections (# 17 - 20) respond about those Yak grown Heron potreplyut paralelni in the world, de Equestre teroristi SSN vers Select the Misyatsya;
  • Secrets of Manhattan (# 21 - 22) respond about znachennya in Manhatten precious diamond, in which pdests TRX;
  • Odinochniy the issue (# 23). The Fund galonim Gerona, that is not moralise s Paratunka Paula, come in viavant;
  • Odinochniy the issue (# 24). Dskota time with Fluttershy and Shukuchi otpravlyayutsya in the distant past, so podivitis on drawing Turin;
  • the Good, the Rotten Pan (# 25 - 26), history in still Western, tserediani on Algeco that "the new lihadh";
  • Root problems (# 27 - 28), respond about nespolo mgrc Magna TWAIN W wonsley LSW;
  • Odinochniy the issue (# 29), what about respond stosunki Crail , the Sestri-twin, profesiyno wrestler
  • Ponyville Days (# 30 - 31) respond about poll Panwila two vorogayt Tabori Svatkovsky before the actual Day city.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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