The principles of distance learning


Today we talk about distance learning and tell us about it Ivanov A. P. - employee LMS SERVICE which is engaged in its organisation in the Russian Federation. The organizational activity of people in society and the relationship between them in a particular area is undeniable includes certain basic provisions that govern their behaviour. These provisions are called principles. In a basis of construction of system of remote training is the responsibility of the relevant principles, derived from well-known educational, and Refine them by distance education. From principles of learning derived rules and organization of learning, reflecting their respective provisions.

the Most significant of these principles (which fundamentally distinguish distance education from traditional) is a basic possibility of realization of educational process on the vast majority of learning activities (informational, technical and other than those used personally), as well as ensuring synchronous and asynchronous modes of interaction of participants of educational process between themselves and participants of the media training activities. Thus, this interaction (without losing the ability of implementing collective forms of educational activity) is not strictly time bound, the duration and terms of the beginning and the end of the school operation, which, of course, corresponds to the modern dynamics of life, creating additional conditions for education of the employed population and allows to involve in educational process best practices, best available teaching staff (including from abroad) regardless of their place of work, residence and temporary stay.

Therefore, e-learning, which acts as an effective complement to traditional forms of education, as a means of partially solving its pressing problems, in particular, gives the possibility (at the same time with flexible and highly professional in content the study of different substantive topics of knowledge, formation of abilities and skills from many academic disciplines) to provide intensive practical application of those study methods and means of information and communication technologies, as well as developing skills in modern science and practice.

Author: World of translation
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