What is an Apostille?
Apostille is a special seal, which is usually put on the official papersissued by the bodies and institutions of the Member States of the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign imeeno documents of an official nature. More information delalnuyu tell us Alexandrov AN - Officer Translation "Friendship of Peoples": in which, by the way, you can put down an apostille on documents in Kiev.
Why do you needApostille?
To confirm the authenticity of the signature and quality of the official document that is signed. And, sometimes, the apostille is needed to confirm the identity of the seal or stamp which is supported by the document.
It must certify / legalized?
Apostyle does not usually require official certification or legalization. It is recognized at the level of all the official institutions of all States that are parties to the Convention. If you want to go to another country, such as school, work or on postoennoe residence, you will need documents about your education you getDoes in Ukraine. In order to be valid vyznat abroad, they must pass or consular legalization procedure called an apostille. In the case kogdv among these countries there is no agreement on how to abolish or simplify their legalization itself.
What aboutRGANI in Ukraine have the right to direct an apostille?
In Ukraine, have the right to issue the certificate:
- The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
- The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine;
- MinistryForeign Affairs.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has the right to put it apostille on documents kotoryye have an official character or relating to education and science.
Ministry of Justice puts nekotoye apostille on documents that Mr.eposredstvenno issued by judicial authorities and courts, as well as those who can apply for notaries in Ukraine.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs – has the right, respectively, all other kinds of documents.
What should testify apostille?
Apostille PLAINon the evidence of that the signature of a certain person is credible. This person podpisuvalo document, and that the seal or stamp is authentic.
What is usually in the form dokumenat with an apostille?
perdstavlyaet Apostille is a stamp that has a size not smaller than 10x10 cm. Itusually affixed directly to the document, or as a separate sheet, which is required to flash along with the document.