What are the guidelines


In methodical recommendations given to drawing up a significant place having taughtAtelier and trainers (theoretical and practical training). The purpose of methodical rozrobrok - the author's desire to share their methodological development of pedagogical experience with colleagues. Ongoing methodological development is an increase of pedagogical skill of the author.

The purpose ofguidelines - provide some help school leaders and chairmen of committees methodical manual process of teaching materials, and teachers and trainers to assist in the immediate execution of development.

Course works vocational school students for methodike industrial training and educational projects as part of the graduation methodological developments. Therefore, according to guidelines of the teachers can take advantage of curators exchange rate diploma projects.

Guidelines consider the following questions:

  1. theAtiku methodological developments;
  2. the structure and content of teaching materials theoretical lessons (classes);
  3. the structure and content of teaching materials practical classes (lessons).

The subjects of teaching materials

Method-diffraction development should address issues of educational work with faculty students (adults). Here is a more or less optimal list of recommended teaching materials issues:

  • Methods and organization of lessons for individual subjects or types Educateeniya;
  • The use of certain methods of training;
  • The use of individual didactic principles in the teaching process;
  • visual aids in the teaching and methods of use;
  • Methodological approaches to the implementation ofstudents homework;
  • The equipment of classrooms, offices, laboratories and workshops;
  • The equipment of individual workplaces of pupils;
  • Detailed documentation of the teacher (master of inservice training) in the classroom;
  • Working documentation student in the classroom;
  • Training students to use the technical documentation;
  • different questions of educational work with students;
  • The methodology of the binary lessons;
  • Technique of formation of professional culture of students in vocational schools;
  • The relationship components in the system of educational work in vocational schools;
  • Methodological approaches and theoretical foundations of humanization of vocational training;
  • The ability of students, etc.incipit them into account in the preparation for professional work;
  • The role and place of the class teacher in the development of spiritual culture of the student;
  • Psycho-pedagogical aspects of diagnosis and prognosis of the educational process;
  • Diagnostic and psychologista pedagogical key of understanding the individual student and develop individual development programs;
  • And so on.
Author: World of translation
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