Production houses from glued beams

World of translation : Construction
, 11:33

The most important advantage of houses from glued beams -their absolute environmental friendliness. In all classifications of building materials according to their impact on human and living comfort, performance wood will always come first. Given the fact that for the manufacture of timber used exclusively softwood growing in the region far from the industry, this factor becomes even moreweighty. Log houses, compared with houses made of other types of wood materials and other technologies, different number of significant advantages. Glued laminated timber as a building material has a significantly better structural and Heat-sound performance than its predecessors of other wood. I'm ThuI read up on reading this article to the end everyone wants Statement of laminated veneer lumber.

Construction and Heat-sound performance

  1. multilayer laminated board, technologically informed slats in a separate locationdetails, no internal stresses , significantly improve the performance of its strength and resistance to stress, compared with other materials. Wooden houses are among the best, in response to seismic activity;
  2. In the houses of kleenoga timber is almost no shrinkage processes . Installation of window and door carpentry and joinery requires time delays and can occur immediately after the assembly, or even parallel with it;
  3. The surface of the wall does not require additional arrabotki, finishes and special equipment after assembly , do not require polishing, plating and other works . Because of the rectangular profile, wall surfaces do not create obstacles to the realization of interior design concepts, as it is made of logs and other timber types;
  4. There are no facade and interior cracks , worsening the aesthetic and thermal characteristics of the house;
  5. Thanks to the perfect geometric haraktristikam no disadvantages to assemble , and as a consequence, providingis heat leaks facilities. As a result, there are no "cold bridges" and purge the nodes connections.

Considering all these factors, the rate of construction of buildings, there is no need to attract heavy machinery - construction of laminated veneer lumber (even taking into account the initial cost of the material) Can not be considered too expensive and inaccessible as rejecting virtually all stages of finishing the house after the construction of the foundations (ie the stage of "the box"), typical of other construction materials, allows you to save the final result.

One of the most important issues that concern the developer are the thermal characteristics of the villageevyannogo home, and the question of heat saving in general. Let us dwell on this point.

Thermal performance of laminated veneer lumber

Any thing conducts heat. It moves from the warm side to the cold. Such behavior is characteristic of all materials. The building physics this is called heat transfer.This figure is a key in selecting the type and thickness of the walling.
In accordance with existing regulations, the thermal conductivity (quantification of a material's ability to transfer heat) across the pine wood fibers is λ 0,14Vt = / (m 2 · c), according to which accompaniedtance heat drevyanoy wall thickness of 200 mm will be R0 = 1.587 (m ² · ° C) / W. However, these values ??can not be considered valid for laminated veneer lumber. Given the multi-layered material, the alternating arrangement of the fibers in the planes of the compounds, the presence of adhesive layers, the actual performance in this case is substantially differentent from the theoretical. Studies properties of laminated veneer lumber as building envelope, allow to take into account the following with respect to the actual value of the thermal conductivity of the wall. It will be λ 0,11Vt = / (m 2 · s), and hence the resistance of heat transfer drevyanoy wall thickness of 200 mm will be R0 = 1.977 (m ² · ° C) / W.

If you compare glulam with other building materials, it is possible to calculate the equivalence in their relationship. So 200mm wall made of laminated veneer lumber equal to their thermo-technical characteristics of the following thicknesses of other materials:

  • Masonry (toirpich clay plain GOST 530) - one thousand two hundred seventy-three mm;
  • Masonry (ceramic hollow brick density of 1000 kg / m3) - 855 mm;
  • Claydite and Claydite (1200 kg / m ³) - 800 mm;
  • Gas-foam-concrete,gas-foamed silicate brand D600 - 400 mm;
  • Wet massive round logs - 270 mm.

Also, should take into account the unique properties of wood for heat capacity, the ability to store heat and exposed to sunlight, which is not inherent in other materialam, and, in turn, to improve the energy performance of the order of a wooden house. An increase in the intensity of solar radiation heat transfer is gradually reduced, and the heat resistance of buildings is increasing. If you take for example a brick building with a multi-layer external insulation, there is present a low heat transfer and no pirodnyie changes in external factors. In this case, the heat resistance will be somewhat higher, but an observer will be the complete absence of heat accumulation and thermal inertia. When disconnecting the heating is rapidly cooled walls, and consequently Improvement. If you take the wooden wall, then the warming solar radiation and reflection on her floorOn the radiation from the surrounding areas, the process of raising the temperature of the outer timber and a partial absorption of heat deep into the structure, and hence thereby providing a reduction in heat transfer and increase the heat resistance of the structure. From this we can conclude that the wooden house lives and breathes in a natural way in which the morningsAchen winter energy is recovered in the spring and summer. This is a natural property to accumulate heat, creates an additional positive effect on heat saving and comfort.


Also, considering the thermal characteristics of the house, as indicators of the quality and comfort of living,we can not ignore the question of humidity in the house and its balance. Humidity and temperature significantly affect the well-being. Too humid air creates the conditions for growth and reproduction of bacteria and fungal organisms, is bad for a person prone to rheumatic conditions. Too dry air causes different struckIa mucous and exacerbates allergic reactions.

If you take into account a wooden house, it always occurs naturally and is supported by the necessary, uniform and stable humidity levels. This is because wood material is hygroscopic, ie it is able to absorb and retain moisture. Due to this, when brieflyterm differential ensures stability and a comfortable level of humidity in the room. This is due to the porosity of the wood, and the ability to hold moisture in the intercellular level even.
Designs with low moisture content, and, namely, brick and stone walls, absorb moisture or absorb it to a small extent.Block type construction materials such as concrete, conversely inherently absorb excessive moisture. In the square log walls, everything is balanced. High ability of assimilation of moisture is compensated by forced drying industrial material. Water absorption will always occur to a certain extent, but neverexceeds a threshold. Assimilation of moisture carried out the surface layer at the same time ensures optimum performance the humidity of premises without damaging structures in general.

Author: World of translation
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