Repair smartphones


In our time, people just did can not do without means of communication. Today, every secondoh can show off the presence of « smart phone » - smartphone . He and a friend at the same time in the entertainment and reliable business partner, and when it breaks it certainly affects your life. It does not matter who made your smart friend - nothing is eternal, sooner or later all scrapIt is. Today we look at the most common failure smartphone and methods for their solution. To carry out.

Malfunctions. Incorrect or slow work

Often, these symptoms indicate a problem with the software (installed programs, operating system, andet al.). Initially, in such cases you need to try to reset the smartphone to the factory, though it does not help at all times. As a rule, it is necessary to carry out re-flash devaysa — completely remove the old data and programs from your "smart friend" and reinstall the operating system. In somegadgets, for example, HTC firmware is carried out using the programmer. If you try to flash the phone at home without any programming at the master kvalifitsiey low, your smartphone may be forever damaged. Reinstalling Software and reinsertion take 2 - 3 hours, but in some cases it may need a lot more, and BPYemeni.

broken glass, screen or sensor does not work

The predominant majority of smartphone are equipped with touch glass. Of course there are exceptions, but very few of them — Nokia, BlackBerry, Motorola, and some models of HTC. In the fall, often glass againBiwa and needs to be replaced. Very rarely broken and the display (it drips and streaks and no images). Replacing these parts requires professionalism and accuracy, as spare part that was installed properly will behave properly or at all to use smartphone It will be uncomfortable. There are many types of touch screens and panels: bonded (glued with special glue the sensor to the display) divided by (the display and the touch screen is not connected), and built-in (sensor built into the display). 1st case, when the display is glued to the glass is not complicated, but you need to understand that these parts can not be separatedit. They are glued together at the factory dust-free environment using a special transparent. glue, and if you divide these parts and glue them back, then they can get under the dirt or dust, or they may begin to not work properly. In the second case, the replacement takes the least time and labor. In the 3rd case, a replacement will be the most difficult, because the item will be thenkoy and fragile. But remember that an experienced engineer can replace quality in any of these cases.

Contact with smartphone dirt, moisture or other items

Very often, especially in summer and winter, the moisture gets into smartphones. So, when moisture is necessary to:

  • immediately pull outschit battery (battery) from a smartphone , and if that is not possible (for example, iPhone), then you need to turn off the phone.
  • Smartphone attributed to a service center for cleaning. It is not necessary to clean or dry pytatsya device yourself - without special washes and solutions you will not come out.Timely and high-quality cleaning smartphone from the moisture will help you to save: their nerves, finance and operation of the gadget.

Clean smartphone from dirt need to prevent and to prolong its life. Make it should be at least every 6 months.If the palm of your hands does not work the microphone, speaker, or sticky buttons - all this can be corrected simple cleaning.

Replacement of small parts. Microphones, speakers, and others.

In most cases such repair can potrebovatsya after the fall of smartphone or flooding it with water.Depending on the problem, the time porachennoe Such repairs can vary from 3 hours to 2 days. Also keep in mind that there are a huge number of models of smartphone and store parts for all models is simply not realistic. Sometimes it happens that a rare item to be ordered in a different city oreven the country, so repair period may increase significantly.
If you have a failure has occurred, which was not described in the article, obraschaytest service center and will help you spice up your "UNIQA".

Author: World of translation
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