Children's clothing with his own hands: the features of

World of translation : Health
, 04:11

- this is one of the advantages of online store SUNDI. However, some parents prefer to make baby clothes with their own hands, rather than buyingand in that it makes sense. This has many advantages: such things do not need to be customized for the child's growth, as they are sewn on the exact measurements, besides you will be able to decorate it according to their own taste. Recognised items are very popular with more mothers, because they are practical and nice. Today we talk about a knitted capAfan child. Typically, such a sundress floor will look good girls of school age. It looks beautiful, comfortable and natural.

Step One - measurements

First of all, decide the model sundress. Baby should be comfortable in the clothes she should not hamper movement. Remove the measurements with the child, handlevodstvuyas instructions of experienced parents and masters of knitting. Remember that you need to do it right and very delicately. It is better if it is done as masters of their craft. They know all the nuances of this work.

The second step - choose a color sundress

It should be light enough not to attract too muchheat from the sun on a hot summer day. The main thing to choose the right yarn for the product. Remember that the color of the future need to choose a sundress is not very dark and not very bright. From this   will depend on: your child wears it. Normally girls like red or pink color. But it's not always because there are exceptions to every rule. For example meI like blue because it reminds me of the sky.

The third step - the thread

Parents with experience often advised to pick cotton yarn: a natural material, good air permeability, which is very important for children's clothes. After the preparatory stage, proceed directly to the manufacturer. EcAre you a good master, try to associate yourself sundress: having little experience, you can easily orient in the schemes proposed on specialized sites. Basic problems may occur because of incorrectly chosen material or spokes, be prepared to change them in the manufacturing process. Do not be discouraged if something does not work with the penV?g? times, because during all need skill. Therefore, it is better to do it under the supervision of a specialist, because the problems will arise constantly.


Children's clothing should be comfortable and practical, and knits are consistent with these requirements. If you do not have time to engage in the manufacture of clothing, Trust knitting for children a professional seamstress and they will help you bring the brightest ideas. And this, as for me, it is important that your child was satisfied with things, and had a desire to wear them all the time. Remember that it depends on how you lead yourself with a choice of all these stages. Do not skimp on things, because Thursabout it depends on comfort of your child. It's better to make him feel good and confident. Take care of it, then your children will be very grateful to you.

Author: World of translation
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