Evolution and diversity of designers

World of translation : Psychology
, 16:39

Every day (except for weekends, of course), we have toXia to go to work, to be able to make a living for themselves and their family. This is a tremendous physical and emotional strain, which requires from time to time to relax and be distracted by something else entirely. Quite often, the game becomes a particular outlet. But if an adult - it's just one of the ways SKORota free time, then, for a child - it's actually the main form of meaningful activity. Through play, children learn about the world, so it should pay attention to the organization and not small. In particular, it concerns the selection of toys, constituting the main object of the game.

Today, with plenty of information, You begin to realize that not every toy has the right effect to develop properly or that the child's ability. Remembering his childhood and analyzing the current state of the market of children's toys, it can be concluded that one of the most useful and favorite toys that then, that today is the designer. I was reminded of the wayt svoetsky Perforated metal designer with small screws, nuts, wheels, from which it was possible to collect anything.

What is useful constructor?

The main positive aspects of almost any designer are:

  • development of a sense of space, volume;
  • Developmentimagination, spatial thinking, imagination;
  • development of logic;
  • development of fine and gross motor skills more;
  • to impart a certain aesthetic taste;
  • skills building construction.

What are constructors?

Arrange the designer as urushku can be on different criteria. More often than not, as such, appear:

  • the material from which made the designer (ceramics, metal, wood, plastic, etc.);
  • age category (the logic of this criterion is that at different ages we have a different level of perception and different abilities. Consequently, theDesigner, which is supposed to play a child is 5 years old, a two-year toddler is unlikely to be mastered in the proper way);
  • mobility (or static).

A little about the dynamics of designers

There is a category of toy designers , which are called dynamic. This toy sets, which are movable construction elements. Unlike, say, the cube designer, which allows out of the blocks to collect a certain figure (eg house) in the case of a dynamic designer, the final product is movable. Here we have utochnit that the final product may be either self-mobile unit (for example, assembled from parts of the machine), or an integral part of the dynamic gameplay (such as mazes, play houses, highways, etc.). This is exciting, but in principle a complex toy, which often leads to the need to take part in its assembly Adults(process them carries no less than children). At the same time, the role of the adult is to be advisory rather to direct the actions of the child in the right direction and to develop his skills, not to perform the work for him.

Author: World of translation
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