What is a LED?


Think light-emitting diodes (LED) only for lights and displays from mobiledisorders? You are wrong! After the conquest of the market indicator lamps in electronic devices, started to conquer a new niche illumination, which is projected to reach 30 billion. Dollars until 2025.

These light sources in one day will illuminate our homes and offices. Why is that? Because they are highly effective, durable, eqcal friendly and inherently controllable - a combination of new and traditional lighting solutions. On large prospects in the future is already evidenced by the fact that LED lighting systems already illuminate famous buildings, bridges, shops, television studios, theater stages, hotels, casinos, hospitals, restaurants and chic nightclubsWorldwide. By the way, a very large number of the residents of their homes or apartments also give their preference to LED lamps. Do not believe? And ask your neighbor what he uses the lamps. And you will see that it is only the lamp of high quality, that is LED. In addition, many owners of "iron horses" also set to your favoriteant LED lamps for cars.

What are the features of LED lamps?

First of all, let's look at the traditional lamp, or "lights", as they are called industry professionals.

Most of the houses are lit by an incandescent light source . The structure of the lamp is formed whenhot glass is blown into a mold, and then cooled and coated with a diffuse material, which scatters the light. Inside the bulb is very thin, fragile and flexible tungsten wire (0.04 mm thick), through which an electric current, and while heating to a certain temperature, it emits light. Unfortunately, these lamps, like many of their podstvenniki not very energy efficient, approximately 10% of the energy used to make visible light.

LED lights are also gaining popularity due to the growing movement of energy conservation. According to the US Department of Energy, no other lighting technology offers such great potentialto save energy and improve the quality of our developing environment.

The performance of LED lamps is the result of three groups of components:

  1. LED optical components;
  2. Power LED components;
  3. Mechanical and thermal LED components.


  1. Brightness output (lumens) and efficacy (lumens / watt);
  2. Color: the color temperature (Kelvin) and color saturation;
  3. Lifetime (hours);
  4. Light distribution: Destination (candela) and omnidirectional (lumen);
  5. Beam Angle (degrees).

So now we know what constitutes LED lamps. They are much more useful than conventional lamps, in which you can see for yourself. By the way, today, nearly 70% of people have chosen for themselves just such lamps. They are not only much more convenient and cheaper to use, but also have a beautiful appearance.

Author: World of translation
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