Card and its role in shaping the image of

World of translation : Business
, 08:13

Communication - is that in many respects determines our human nature, helping us to exist and to be Liudmi. In terms of biology, physiology, psychology and other sciences somehow directly related to the study of man, it is a unique biological species, with a highly developed mind and the subconscious mind, enabling it to achieve the results that we have today. But even identifying himself with the king of the world, extolling himself aboveseh other living beings, we still remain an integral part of nature and is subject to the base of its laws. But unlike animals, we care much more the different issues that we have to discuss with their peers. Communication is not only helps us to learn something new or someone new, to accumulate skills and podderzhivats your level. Accordingly, if we stop to chat, the mechanisms of development slowed down by themselves. A particularly important role it plays in their professional activities where communication helps to effectively solve the problem, make new contacts, enhance their knowledge and skills, to expand customer and partner base. NaturallyIn order to be able to establish such a dialogue, it is necessary to exchange contact details. In the business etiquette in such cases, even provided some form - the card. You can Maxview the company.

What is a card?

Card - is the most common and actually traditsionny media contact information on the physical or legal person. Typically, the business card is made of heavy paper, cardboard or plastic in the form of a rectangle defined dimensions.

What data is plotted on a business card?

As the contact information necessary for the organizationand the subject of communication between two or more interested in this subject can act:

  • Name, name of the card holder;
  • The company, the type of activity;
  • The data for communication (phone numbers, email and postal addresses, Skype, etc.).

The sizes of business cards

Of course, none of us is not limited to consider a more unique design of the card. But most of the development of such products is carried out by generally accepted pattern. Standardized sizes greatly simplify the development of other related accessories, such as business card holders, wallets, purses, which in any case sodaserzhat pockets for credit cards and business cards. Most running sizes of business cards are:

  • 90 × 50 mm. This format is most common in the former CIS countries;
  • 85 × 55 mm. This format has a small circulation in the EU. There is even a separate standard (ISO 7810 ID-1), which defines the size. These SIZEry correspond with the size of credit cards, which further unifies business cards;
  • Format A8 - 74 × 52 mm. Rarely used;
  • Format C8 standard DIN - 81 × 57 mm;
  • 89 × 51 mm. This format is the most typical of the United States;
  • 91 × 55 mm. This format has a circulation mainly in Japan.

Types of cards

In the application of all business cards can be divided into three main types:

  • Personal. Used for personal communication in the unincorporated surroundings. In these business cards usually contain a minimum of information about the person;
  • Corporate. These cards do not identify the specificth person, and the whole company;
  • Business. This type of cards used in the business and professional environment, identifying its owner as a specialist in a particular industry. In addition to the registered data, contacts, this card contains information about the place of employment and position.

Author: World of translation
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