What is the writing of the thesis?


To perform the tasks anddgotovki diploma work at a certain time, it is advisable to consider that writing it requires a thoughtful, diligent, but creative and constant work on the defined plan. You can resolve this issue more easily and efficiently - order graduationnd a job.

Master's Thesis is structured as follows:

  1. Title page;
  2. Content;
  3. Introduction;
  4. The main part;
  5. The conclusions and proposals;
  6. List of references;
  7. Applications.

InDepending on the direction of Master work may contain part of the project to the development of specific proposals and determine the effectiveness of their implementation. By the beginning of practice the student gets a job to graduate work, where there is a calendar plan for the implementation of each component and its research mission to prolems of the real company or institution / organization, industries / knowledge, research and testing laboratories, etc.

How to start writing the thesis work ?

Writing a thesis work onIt begins with the search and study of the literary source. Students are encouraged to analyze the scientific work Russian and foreign scientists on the problem, familiarize yourself with the applicable laws of the country, international acts, regulatory guidance material, and the applicable standards underobnoe. Then make an analytical review of the literature. Quotes from certain scientific concepts / terms, classification features, diagrams, tables, etc., That would result in the thesis work, it is advisable to write on separate sheets indicating the source of a specific reference, and in parallel with this to create a list of IPuse sources.

The introduction reveals the essence of the problem, the elements of scientific novelty, relevance of the theme, the necessity of its study, baseline data for the development of the theme, purpose, objectives, subject, object and research methods, practical value study. Briefly are indicatedI have the names of scientists (both domestic and foreign SJC) and practitioners whose work contains questions that are considered elected methods of research.

It should clearly articulate the purpose of work , concisely indicate the problem must be addressed to achieve it. Tselesoobrazno highlight new research position or practical recommendations proposed in the study, the student personally, and also their approbation. If the results of the research performed at the student student's scientific conferences, has published in scientific journals, it should be said in the introduction.

What is the relevance of the theme and the subject?

Relevance of the topic presented in the form of critical analysis and solutions to the problem, proving the value of work for the development of a particular branch of knowledge, activities. The subject of the research master's degree work aof the urgent problems that need solving professional tasks stipulated by the educational qualification characteristics master relevant field of study.

Why should be the main part of work ?

The main part of work is composed of sections, subsections (if necessary - points). The first section provides an overview of the main body of literature on the subject, the choice of research areas, defined by the nature of the subject of research. It should be noted that with the quote any source of information, it is imperative Affairsamb reference to it, because it is the subject of intellectual property. Briefly, highlighting critical publications, you must specify those issues that require research. Depending on the theme of research work and the object of study can be presented comparative evaluation of various IUods of research, methods of calculations of certain indicators, etc.

Materials research and analytical part are presented in the following sections, the amount of which depends on the chosen theme, objectives, specificity studies, outlines general procedures and basic research methods, which are used; calculation algorithmbasic indicators, statistical information and analysis of the regulatory framework of material collected for the object of study. It is recommended to analyze the data, published in the relevant encyclopaedias, monographs, reference books, a variety of sources, including Internet. The generalization of all the information collected will provide more in-depthidea of ??the particular issue of this section.

Summary thesis work

The findings recommend to put the results of the study, the main scientific and practical results, recommendations for their scientific and practical use and sformulirovabe conclusions. In this part of the master's thesis work are given their own proposals to solve the problematic issues of the corresponding object of the study. To formulate clear conclusions and fundamental proposals recommended testing the main provisions of the study at scientific conferences,seminars, publications in scientific journals.

Author: World of translation
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