Rest in Kirillovka on the Azov coast


The human body is one of the nhe most advanced products of the evolutionary process. It is the only living species that is capable of changing the habitat and do not adapt to it. However, despite all their perfection, we still depend on nature, and also obtain from her neck. In nature, there are many mechanisms that are able to withdraw at a timeand a man of action. We are surrounded by the hugest number of viruses, bacteria, allergens and other substances that can cause the development of a variety of diseases. Most of them, anyway, are related to the way of life that we lead, and of the environment, including climate and region in which we live.

It is obvious that, for example, in Dnepropetrovsk and adjacent industrial regions, people are significantly more likely to suffer from acute respiratory infections and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, rather than the relatively recent (no more than 300 km in a straight line), the Azov Sea coast. It speaks that the air is saturated with sea salts and minerals that are good tobut affect the condition of the respiratory system and the prevention of acute respiratory infections (remember, as one of the most effective means against the common cold is salt water, which washed the nose). It is also clear that the regular (at least once a year for three to four weeks) visit the seashore is extremely effective in the fight against acute respiratory infections and strengthens the immunea. That is why the inhabitants of the same Dnipropetrovsk prefer to spend their summer vacation, making, for example, in the resort village Kyrylivka.

What is remarkable Kyrylivka?

Kyrylivka - it's basically a small village with a population of about 3500 people, located on the edge of the peninsula, washingemogo both sides salt water estuaries and Milk Utlyuksky. From the very Kyrylivka both sides diverge sand spit and Fedotova spit, which is located more than 300 lodges. From the point of view of medicine Kyrylivka is an excellent climatic and spa (mud) resort. Rest and recreation in Kirillovka is totally dependentt from its geographical location and the local environmental conditions. In general, the rest in these parts restores and normalizes the cardiovascular and nervous systems, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the function of the upper respiratory tract, slowing inflammatory processes in the muscle system and the musculoskeletal system, protivodeystvuet allergies. Holidays are especially recommended for children, whose bodies are not as strong and regularly suffer from respiratory diseases. In addition, in contrast to the Black Sea coast, where the sea is warm and shallow due to sloping and long beach. This fact can not fail to please the parents who are going through from one side of the health malysha and the other constantly watch over his safety. In addition, the resort is not experiencing traffic problems: run daily, personal transport route, "" can be reached in just 4 hours (280 km), except in the immediate vicinity are Melitopol, Akimovka - major railway junctions.

Author: World of translation
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