St. Petersburg: Vyborg District


St. Petersburg is considered to be the cultural capital of Russianoh federation. Here at one time (before the revolution) for centuries was the capital of the Romanov empire, flocked here from around the world most prominent artists (painters, sculptors, architects), scientists, industrialists, engineering staff. All this, as well as the location on the banks of the Neva Bay, determined by direct access to the sea Contributingovalo rapid cultural and economic growth of the city.

Today it is home to more than five million Russians. Of these, nearly 450 thousand inhabitants are located in the northern part, on the right bank of the Neva. This area is a unique symbiosis of past and present, vysokotehnologary and traditional, noisy and comfortable. There are surprisingly combined large, gray industrial area   (Please note that more than thirty percent of the population is employed in the enterprises of the region) and not less than great, but more vivid and pure plantations park type.

Noisy and always filled with cars magicianon line (eg, KAD) gradually replaced by a cozy, quiet and some home-style warm streets suburbs (eg, Levashova). The same contrast, does not disturb the general harmony is preserved and available housing stock represented in the center of a variety of high-rise buildings, and closer to the periphery - these noble mustacheadbami or, as they call them here, myzami. It should be noted that the population of the region is growing, fueled by   and environmental conditions, and the infrastructure of the area, and price offers on the real estate market.

Author: World of translation
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