Rus sanatorium in Essentuki


Russian Earth rich in gifts of nature in almost all corners of her immense. Special attentiondeserves its southern, foothill part - Stavropol Territory. Despite the fact that, in fact - is the smallest region in area, it does not prevent it has great potential, particularly in the field of organization and operation of the resort areas. Located at the foothills of the Greater Caucasus region is known, primarily, a unique geological region, rich with mineral springs and climatic conditions. In the world he is known as the Caucasian Mineral Waters and is a group of resort towns of the federal subordination, covering an area of ??more than five thousand square kilometers. These are the well-known resort areas as Mineral Waters, Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, and so on. D.Among the resort areas definitely need to allocate federal resort Essentuki. Resort history of this city has more than one hundred and fifty years, and in the area of ??discovery mineral springs and did over two hundred years.

The resort Rus

Sanitation and Kurortnaya base town has about thirty resorts, hotels and resorts, specializing in the prevention and treatment of a group of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract, diseases of metabolism. The list of these resorts is listed mansion resort Rus. This resort is absolutely newtype, unique and structure, and on the organization of therapeutic and preventive process in modern Russia just simply do not have. By the way, about the prices and conditions of the resort. In its creation were used advanced techniques and experience of leading spa resorts in Western. It uses a brand newFirst approach to the recruitment and training of personnel, organization and comfort working with clients. Sanatorium has its own modern diagnostic equipment that allows for a full study of the state of the body and on this background to define a set of necessary treatment. Sanatorium Rus offers its visitors and increased comfortthe possibility of fine and to spend time, including in an environment of his own family. Young children are not a hindrance to the overall process, because on the basis of the complex are a variety of children's programs that allow parents to quietly attend all the necessary procedures.

Author: World of translation
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