DataArt - leading software development


If we analyze the history of mankind, the labor market is constantly changing its vector, depending on the regional, cussomatic features and overall development of society. Be sufficiently clear shift from mass farming to factories and production that require specific knowledge and skills for high-quality and efficient operation. The present stage of human history characterized by the introduction and dissemination of informationnnyh and digital technology in all spheres of life, including in manufacturing and agriculture. The introduction of high-tech equipment, requires the implementation of the necessary software (SW), which will ensure its correct operation. Software development deals with an army of programmers, or, as they are called in the nrofessionalnoy environment, IT professionals. A special feature of this group of specialists, is the need for specialized knowledge of higher level, as well as the absolute independence from their bases - is possible, and quite effective, work remotely. One of the world leaders in software development is   DataArt, based in New York. The peculiarity of the company is the involvement of staff practically around the globe: in addition to the office in the United States, successfully operate regional recruitment centers and developments in the traditionally most successful IT regions of the world - the United Kingdom (London), Russia (St. Petersburg, Voronezh), Ukraine(Kiev, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Odessa, Kherson) and Poland (Lublin). In addition to direct employment, based on the company operates its own Academy for the training of appropriate personnel.

Author: World of translation
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