Special equipment KrAZ


Man - is as much a piece of nature, like any other living creature, every day is in motion, doing something. Hfor unlike animals, which at the genetic level based on the principles of foraging and reproduction, people nearing pastime much more constructively. One of the most striking examples is the building in all its paint. This activity requires a certain amount of specialized equipment. Depending on tasks, with allpetstehnika divided into several major groups: road transport, agricultural, warehouse. The most well-known manufacturers of specialized equipment: BELARUS, XGMA, Shacman, XCMG, MAXIMAL, FORWAY, KIOTI, InterDon, KrAZ, KAMAZ and others. By the way various special equipment is available from « Technora & raquo ;:. Below we consider the Ukrainian leaderin the production of not only special, but also trucks, namely, the Kremenchug Automobile Plant (KrAZ). He went far beyond simple truck and developed new types of technology on the old proven chassis. According to the official statistics, to date, developed and put on the conveyor around five hundred units cnetsialnoy technology. If you do not go into details, but nowadays, we get from KrAZ following main groups of construction machinery:

  • dump (eg, KrAZ-6424C4) - tonnage for transportation vehicles;
  • tankers (eg, KrAZ-6322 AC-7.6) - Supplyand petroleum products;
  • mixers (ANEMIKS “ MAGNUM ”) - for the preparation of the required solution;
  • fire engines involved in the elimination of fires and other life situations;
  • cranes, graders, tractors, cranes, bulldozers, automaticallye musoropodborschiki and more that in this situation (Russian aggression and her friends in uniform.

Author: World of translation
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