Types of furniture manufacturing


Any room, be it apartment, office, study, kitchen, bedroom, hallway, corridor (this list can becontinue indefinitely) is not imaginable held without the presence of the furniture in it. Firstly, it gives the appearance of habitability in this room, and secondly, it's just practical - because every day you have on hand is to be a lot of things, objects, tools that simply need somewhere to put, so as not tolay underfoot. The range (or rather, the form and complete) furniture products depend on the nature of the premises, its intended use. For example, for the bedrooms in the range of furniture consists of a bed, chest of drawers, tualetka for living - Modular living room, seating area, tables, chairs, for vestibules - hangers, modular hallways, closets.Specialized furniture needed for office workers, taking into account the need to comply with workplace ergonomics (everything to be handy). - It is a creative process that can occur in two main ways (as, respectively, and the selection of furniture set by the end user):

  • The factory production of modular . Allows you to put furniture production flow, reduce the cost of products, reduce production time. Often, the headset has a modular type, that is, different in width modules can be assembled into a single composition;
  • Individual manufacturing .It is more expensive, but gives you the opportunity to make furniture for room dimensions the user in such a style and performance, as he chooses.

According to the materials of Krasnodar studio furniture manufacturing « idea »

Author: World of translation
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