What will be the salary in Ukraine in 2014.

World of translation : Economy
, 23:06

What images do you make mention ofs of Ukraine. I'm sure many (especially not the Ukrainians), immediately recall bacon, soup, dumplings, gopak, Shevchenko, black earth. But this association more at the household level, in a time when professional remembering Ukraine in the first place trying to analyze all its technical natural, economic potential. And it must be said, quite ogromny: incredibly advantageous geopolitical location, availability of natural resources and the scientific and technical base just have to dominate (at least in the region). But in practice, the economic development of Ukraine, expressed, for example in such indicators as employment and the average salary is quite unstable. In conditions when inhaled politicrisis has, constant conflicts, change of government, the sorry state of the economy and now, even the war (though not officially announced) make you think about the prospects of employment and those in 2014. Perspective, to put it mildly, is not optimistic. Moreover, it comes as a "safe" (not affected by direct military conflany) of the central and western regions, and in fact, the war-torn eastern. The situation is quite complicated and there are some specific indicator on areas that would unilaterally affect the level of wages. Trends suggest that wages will not grow (if at all will fall) to the stabilization of the political and militaryoh situations. The most vulnerable in the current conditions, are the representatives of the public sector, because due to them the state will save the budget and finance ATO. Other areas not bypass the crisis, although here it is necessary to take into account regional characteristics (production bases and sales markets).

Author: World of translation
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