10 pdcat: Yak the way uspscom trader?
World of translation : Economy
28 June 2016, 13:14
Dwellers Buti uspscom trader I do not poterpite in pastko, Yak was the result diyalnosti bagatoh NSA, vivot 10 pdcat for trading s prirodom from portal tradernew.pro (more details ).
the1. Control
the- Uspcn, tradere always kontroliuoti myself mentally I emocio;
- Povedinka losers often Cerruti EMI, TSE perform before, scho stink primaute nepravilen rsena;
- "Planwide favor, trade the plan". Always cotributes his plan. Chilena from Demba z namioty to privedut to pokulok.
2. Primite modified over the results
the- Uspcn, tradere Ter progralti! However, if progrowth stink stink mozhut nauchitsya on their pamilco I rogatica further, prinasi modified by yourself;
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3. Be Harmon s rink
the- Uspcn, tradere always in Harmon s rink. The stench bagato chitaut, stesnyat dozen rinku (TSE, tedious, but necessary), Novi nabuwat knowledge;
- Luzern harmony with the rink vdata. Stink mozhut not are Robit dostatno analtica of work, and pokladalosya on pakaski ABO fart;
- in German Buti - TSE this means nobility zagalnu picture situat on rinku.
4. Zabezpiecze sobi Periago
the- Uspcn, tradere toil Periago;
- Lutheri previou not valout.
5. Vashi methods povinn pdfedit you
the- USPS grafts vykorystovuyutsia methods, that naikrashe pthalate m;
- losers no ABO system, ABO stink vykorystovuyutsia system, not pidhodit Yak m;
- You need to considered baslc factors, ukljucujuci: your character, Rosmer Deposit, vashi pillows and perekonannya, your stavlennia to risiko (duzhe it's important nobles, Nasli VI tolerant to risico).
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the- Uspcn, tradere all obrazovati I know, chogo m occupati;
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- Lutheri not vykorystovuyutsia the right Rosmer please (TSE one s golovnih reasons I neudach).
8. Swertia osoblivo pay attention to vihodi
the- Uspcn, tradere privacythe rosrob strateg vychodu I strateg whotv strike W hour. Vid - duzhe it's important skladova whether ACO torgovelno strateg. Visnaga rules to exit of I Patrimoine h;
- Lutheri not zamorachivatsya such speeches, often viznachayut, if vyhodite in process thergbl. Tak rsena mayzhe not always what nicrosini.
9. Maite palmoviy plan
the- uspsa gracw always what palmoviy plan, in yakomu mstats h d I rules;
- Lutheri not vykorystovuyutsia t I duty mpulsive;
- the Butt, scho necessary planovaci: rcni plan / budget / CL, thedocumentary trading strategy zagalni Torgov rules psihologom rules are Robit scho in Razi nepredvicena obstavin, Tignes ogledi I shortlist, shortlist Danny I Torgov planning.
10. Always sdesnuda mentoring two work
the- Uspcn, tradere always to roblet mentoring dwellers ECOMOG likely dentification scho schos vdbase not so;
- Lutheri not always to roblet TSE I often nawt do not know, scho stink rugayutsya to collapse;
- Preklady mentoring: zagalni Buhgaltersky records Denny analz (Scho viyshlo? That problem pomilki?), periodicni anals vsih rinku, for example, tegneby, periodicni anals PDSMU of work, for example, Sasani, psychologiczny / emocii stannic.
You need sluwatj ECOMOG BlsI clast CIR surprise, then vashi chancy on desagana ospho virastut. Patrimoine plan, anusuya all.
I has one Porada is not necessary pracovat, yakscho VI in filthy Nastro I nichogo not you curiously. Today just not your day.
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