Test mission - to find their job in life

World of translation : Psychology
, 15:30

This straightforward test you will be able toete understand the important thing – What is your life purpose. In other words, you will learn what you need to do, so that your life has been filled with joy, a sense of satisfaction, and happy with the lack of financial problems. If you are a person « in place & raquo ;, if doing things you love, you will surely feel the enthusiasmPositive emotions, trying to be creative in everything you do, put a small part of the soul and love, strive for good quality work. Such a person will never be left unattended others, it becomes a self-fulfilling demanded personality, and it certainly will succeed in life.

So, answer the following questions:

1. What you like to do?

In answering this question, it is possible to compile a list of hobbies, things you do with great pleasure, and dwell on the most pleasant to you.

2. How do you prGadfly free time, what do you do most often?

If you belong to the category of people who have absolutely no free time, restate the question in this way: « Whether you have free time, what would you dedicated? & Raquo ;. In other words, it is a lesson that gives you a sense of joy and entuziazma.

3. That constantly attracts your attention?

What you aktsentiruete attention - on what things phenomena, in what kind of activity? Maybe he saw in the store a set of colors or musical instrument, you are no longer anything can not think? Maybe it was grown fondiem strange plants? Or maybe you can not imagine life without technology constantly rummage in the guts of his « Iron Horse & raquo ;, trying to improve its performance?

4. What do you like to study, read, explore?

What the media, books, web resourcesyou enjoy reading and possibly discuss with someone?

5. Where you employ a creative approach to what activity?

It can be stated as a question: « What would you like to use creativity? & Raquo ;. If you do not have the desire to develop in hissphere of activity, you do not focus on creativity, it is unlikely that the present work can be called your life purpose. Correct to focus on the search of an occupation where you want to be creative, to accept new challenges and to express themselves.

6. Which of your classes and like and is flooreznym to others?

In this test, the question – fundamental. If we talk about the ideal situation, the people themselves must apply to you to do something that will bring pleasure yourself. In this sense, are of great importance contacts and liaison with a large number ofm people.

7. If you initially it was known that you will be successful in a particular field, what would you do?

The success here understood very broadly and implies that the person puts into the meaning of the word. We can talk not only about fame, with financialsufficiency, high social status, but also on some other achievements, for each individual. This question may sound like « If you are not haunted by the fear of failure, no matter what kind of activity you have chosen? &Raquo;.

8. If you do not need, then whatever activity chosen for themselves?

Imagine that from some source in your life came a lot of money, saves you from having to work and turns all your free time. On the surface, many of the standard answer is: « all while vacationing'd gone to see the world & raquo ;. But the test implies a deeper approach. Whatyou have devoted themselves when enough naputeshestvovalis and rest?

Source – site self-knowledge, which contains many useful theoretical and practical materials, as well as a great forum for dialogue on educational topics, where you can discuss or add to the theme of human destiny and the test itself.

It is important toawareness that the destiny of man can be considered only that it will be useful for other people, not only his selfish joy and pleasure. If you put at the forefront only their own needs, it turns out that many destinations will be reduced to to satisfaction of instinct of procreation, hunger, and everything that is connected with their livesotnym beginning. Needless to say, that this leads to regression and is fraught with many problems! Successful you search the business and success in life!

Author: World of translation
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