Ukrainian Anthem translation into English (+ audio)


Ukrainian Anthem

Translation of the National Ukrainian Anthem.

Ukrainian Anthem

1 Couplet

 There still alive Ukraine's glory, and freedom.
Also brothers ukrainians destiny will smile for us.
Our enemies all will die as dew in the sun,
And we brothers shall dominate in our land.


Souls and bodies we will put for our freedom,
And we will show, that we are brothers of Cossacks origin.

2 Couplet

Stand up brothers in bloody combat from Syan to the Don,
We shall not give anyone to rule in our motherland;
The Black Sea will smile, grandfather Dnieper will be glad,
Yet in our Ukraine fate will come back.


Souls and bodies we will put for our freedom,
And we will show, that we are brothers of Cossacks origin.

3 Couplet  

An enthusiasm and sincere work will prove everybody,
Yet loud song will lie down in our Ukraine,
Over Carpathian Mountains reflected, and noises through the steppes,
Ukraine will be glorious among other nations.


Souls and bodies we will put for our freedom,
And we will show, that we are brothers of Cossacks origin.

Listen the original

