How does Viagra and especially its use


Today Viagra from is considered to be the most popular way for men to return potency and eliminate erectile dysfunction. Although the drug is added to the user and is specified as safe to take pills, not all clear how the < span class = "key_hl" title = "Keyword"> Viagra .

To begin, it should be noted that Viagra is a drug preparation that provides therapeutic effect on erectile dysfunction. What can not be said about other drugs are widely advertised today as they eliminate erectile dysfunction for a while, their action is symptomatic. To understand the effect of the drug, you need a minimum understanding of the process of erection.

How does an erection

The beginning of the erectile process are the state of sexual arousal. Thanks to him, the blood vessels that are located in the pelvis, expand and provide increased amounts of blood inflow to the penile area, it increases in size and hardens. Thishappens erection. When the sexual act ends with the release of sperm, sexual tension subsides, accompanied by reduced blood flow in the penis, and the erection goes away.

Under the influence of unfavorable factors: chronic pathological conditions or long therapy with antihypertensive action is a disturbance of blood flow in all organs (penis - no exceptions). This causes lack of proper blood flow to the penis at the time of sexual arousal. As a result of the erection is insufficient or completely absent. If such a situation were observed in men repeatedly for a long time, such a condition experts call erectile dysfunction.

What is the effect of

Today there are many drugs that work to increase potency, but none works the way Viagra works. The fact that the latter sends a direct effect on the elimination of the causes of impotence, v. E. To fight the inability of a man to a normal erection sufficient for sexual intercourse accomplishments.
Watch out! The drug Viagra , in accordance with the instructions, can only take once a day.

Viagra corrects violations encountered in the field of blood supply, restoring the activity of vessels involved in the erectile process. Practice shows that the tool has helped many men suffering from erectile dysfunction, to achieve normal erection that lasts a long time. The only condition for efficacy is the presence of sexual arousal.

Many men confirm that the tool really helps to achieve necessary for full sexual intercourse erection. Viagra differs selective effect, which is directed at expanding the blood vessels of the penis is. In addition to providing a means of increasing potency improving sexual contact, v. E. Makes it longer, shortens recovery intervals between acts and increases the quality of orgasm, making it brighter and more emotionally intense.

Effect of the drug occurs within half an hour, but in the course of individual cases detected when the action began tool after quarter of an hour, depending on individual men (build, sensitivity to the drug, a full stomach, etc.). The effect of increased erection lasts about 4 hours, although it depends on the characteristics of organic men. The initial dose should be poltabletky (50 mg), the alleged sex Viagra take about an hour.

Caution ! Thedrug is effective only if appropriate sexual arousal. If it is missing, the erection may not occur even after Viagra .

Аctive ingredients

You can not appoint his own Viagra because it is dangerous. Just active substance is sildenafil drug. This component has a feature to instantly react to many drugs. The leaders among them medicine used in the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies and contain nitrates. If you take them together with Viagra , there may be all sorts of complications.

But in general the drug very positive effect on the male body that has been proven in clinical studies. Most took part in the trial of men (≈ 80%) as a result of taking Viagra appeared stable and lasting erection, and after the act they felt profound satisfaction. Approximately 15% of the subjects expressed lack of efficacy of the drug, but remained a minority (5%) felt that the effect of Viagra can be dangerous to health.

Possible side effects

The studies proved some negative reaction to taking Viagra . Although cases of their occurrence observed in a very small number of subjects (2%). More side effects were absent in men who adhere to a strict dosage while taking the drug. If a man weakened immune defense, there is a chronic disease or drug overdose occurs, the appearance of these reactions:

  • In the cardiovascular system: tachycardia, ischemia or arrhythmia, heart attack or stroke, reducing pressure;
  • General disorders: light hypersensitivity, malaise and weakness, migraines, pain in the chest and abdomen, dizziness, swelling of the face and allergic reactions (dermatitis, herpes, rash), an increase in blood sugar can develop anemia;
  • In the etching, Dry mouth and belching, retching, possible exacerbation of chronic colitis, gastritis or gastroenteritis;
  • In locomotor apparatus: pain in the tendons and bones, arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Nervous system: increased nervous irritability and sleep disturbances;
  • In the respiratory system: bronchitis, laryngitis, exacerbation of asthma, sore throat, cough;
  • Urogenital: urinary, inflammation of the bladder, frequent urination, ejaculation disorder and lack of orgasm.


Like any medication Viagra drug has its contraindications. Experts do not recommend taking the drug at individual hypersensitivity to sildenafil, in the presence of anatomical deformations of the penis. You can not use Viagra with venous fibrosis, cancer of the blood in the presence of ulcers in the organs of the digestive tract, heart failure and angina in post- stroke or postinfarction periods under pressure jumps.

I would like to remind all good - as because men strongly recommended to follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor, otherwise you can not achieve intimate pleasure and intoxication and other effects.

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