Not enough space on the flash drive, but it's there?

World of translation : Computers
, 10:49

Flash card today is the same atomribut human anyway dealing with computers. We are now taking on flash cards documents, photos, media files ... whatever you say - it's incredibly convenient. As befits any device - flash drives also come up with the times. From the appearance of the first flash card in 1984 and to the present time, these technical devices have undergone many changes.One can not be surprised to 16GB memory stick or 32GB. By the way, Victorinox Swiss company has released a USB flash drive of 1 terabyte.

But there are times, when you try to write some file on a USB flash drive, the system displays a message that the disk is full and there is no room, although the place where have a flash drive, or even empty. How to copy fFiles on read. What to do in such cases? What is it - the lack of a flash card?

Such cases sometimes when attempting to write to the flash card files larger than 4GB. The fact that the stick come with factory file system FAT32, and the system can not work with large files. Up to 4GB please, and no longerpulls. Only one way out - to translate the memory stick in NTFS. How to do it? You must reformat the flash drive in to NTFS. Formatting flash cards will even benefit - erased all the clusters that could be damaged. In general, I recommend at least once every six months to format your USB flash drive, if you use it often.

How to format a USB flash drive in the required file system

Windows 7

If you have a PC run Windows 7 - that make it very simple, in this system, you can format the USB flash drive standard tools.

  1. To start making a backup copy of all the files on your hard drive (with formattingand all data is lost). Next, open « My Computer » and see a list of drives that are connected to the PC;
  2. Then click the right mouse button on the flash drive and choose the item « Format » .Prior us a window will appear with a choice of formatting options. By default, Flash card is formatted FAT32. Here is recommended to remove galpoint each with « Fast (clearing the table of contents) & raquo ;, to formatting has been as deeply as possible. Choose the NTFS file system and press the button « Start & raquo ;. The system, of course, warned that all data is destroyed, but we have made a backup, so feel free to click OK.
  3. Next, observe the formatting process. If you removedYali mark with the « Fast (clearing the table of contents) & raquo ;, then the formatting process will take a few minutes. After graduating from the system will inform us that the formatting is complete.

Now, opening « My Computer » we see the stick completely clean - that is what we needed. That's all. Now Inace flash drive as NTFS and write files larger than 4GB more errors will not occur. However, this option will suit you if you have Windows 7.

Windows XP

If you have a PC operating system Windows XP. Here is a little more complicated, but not all that scary.

  1. Initially,necessary to allow Windows XP to format the flash drive to NTFS. To do this, click the right mouse button on the icon « My Computer » and select the item « Properties & raquo ;. Go to the tab « Equipment & raquo ;. Now find the item « Device Manager » and click on it. Open « Disk Drives » and are looking forUSB flash drive, which we want to format. Click on this disk, right click and choose - Properties. In the window that appears, find the top tab « Policy » and click on it. Now we need to rearrange the symbols on the second point « Optimize for performance » and click OK. We therefore allow a Windows XPadopt restrictions to allow formatting the stick in NTFS.
  2. Next, open « My Computer & raquo ;, find our USB flash drive, click the right mouse button, click on the item « Format » and we see that we can now easily select the desired file system.

After formatting, similar to the first embodiment of Windows 7, error when writing files larger than 4GB will not.

Author: World of translation
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