Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP 2

World of translation : Music
, 21:09

The fate of Marshall Bruce Mathers third, better known to the general public under the stage name Eminem, is proof that the « American Dream » can become a reality if a person is trying to use the opportunities that gives him life. At the moment, " Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP 2 "- the most anticipated event in the music world. The debut of the new album (" Eminem - MMLP2 ") to be held in early November 2013.

An unknown strange boy who childhood muttering to himself what that rubbish unaware that his hear people around, became a onethem of the most popular frames in the world. He was able to break the stereotype that world-famous hip-hop artists are dark-skinned African-Americans. But Marshall was a long and difficult way to prove to the world that he is a talented writer, bringing people to their vision of reality with the help of hip-hop,has its own unique style and charisma. Confirmation of the talent of artist was the fact that Eminem has broken all records for hits (more than two billion) on You Tube, for which he found himself in the Guinness book of records.

Childhood and adolescence

Childhood and adolescence Marshal trudno called cloudless. His parents were artists show an unknown group which acted as entertainers Missouri. After the birth of Marshall's father left his mother and she was forced to move from place to place in search of a better life. Perhaps because of this, Eminem and could not get a real friendand. When they reached the suburbs of Detroit, Debora- mother Marshall decided to settle in the Negro quarter, citing the fact that care about the color of the skin around them. In fact, better housing, it simply could not afford. This step was very reckless, because in this quarter lived exclusively black population. Besides Marshall, hismother and brother lived here Yeshe two whites biker who themselves could head off to anyone, because of the complete turretless.

The school Eminem without exaggeration became the black sheep, it constantly beaten. One such fight ended a five-day coma resuscitation and for the young Marshall, later he even WWTPyl this event a song entitled « Brain Damage ».

No matter what, among the black guys Eminem soon made friends, and old love to turnip played this role. He began to take part in the tournament for beginners hip-hop artists, but it constantly unishook, because he is white. But did not think to give up. After he was expelled from school, his mother forced him to go to work. Settling a waiter in a family restaurant, Marshal constantly rapping and even received comments from the host institution for this incessant babbling. In parallel with the work he continued to participate in the hip-hop battles andafter a long-awaited victory in one of these tournaments was seen well-known producer.


Eminem made his debut in 1995 in the group Soul Intent. But it has not brought Marshal fame. He still had to work in a variety of rap -kollektivah, to prove hhe is a talented person and is able to deal with life's difficulties.
Only many years later the album "The Slim Shady LP" became a sensation in the hip-hop world. Second album became popular rapper "Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP" which was published in 2000 and dedicated to the memoryand beloved uncle.

In November 2013, Marshal will release his eighth album, titled "Eminem - MMLP2". This work is a logical continuation of the album "Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP".
Author: World of translation
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