Outsourcing of staff: an effective way of solving the staffing problems

World of translation : Business
, 12:17

One of the main problems of most modern industrial enterprises lack of qualified personnel. For reasons of economy budget, many managers are literally forced to send their most valuable employees to execute non-core processes. As a result, the performance of work as a whole falls. Perhaps the only way out of this situation, the employment of additional staff, however, to raise funds for this incredibly difficult.

Not many people know that in the United States and Europe the solution to this problem has been found. Many companies, instead of unnecessarily inflate your state has transitioned to the use of such technology management as outsourcing. In this case, the responsibility for implementation of the part least the operating processes are transferred to an external provider company, providing temporary staff for specific tasks and functions.

the experience of the Russian organizations

though a comparatively new practice, however, has already established solely with the best hand. The first time this service was provided as an experiment, but fairly quickly, she was reclassified into ordinary service. So notorious in professional circles, the company Voight Industrial services working in this area for over 10 years, which allowed her not only to become the leader of the market, but to amass a truly unique to our country.

Advantages of outsourcing implemented in practice:

  • the Ability to ensure business continuity under any level of load;
  • the
  • Improvement in all important for business performance;
  • the
  • optimization of the cost of maintaining the accounting and personnel departments;
  • the
  • cost Reduction on the part of supply personnel, tools and equipment.

first and foremost, this proposal will be interesting for large plants, factories and industrial holdings. It is worth noting that many well-known companies already use in their facilities, temporary staff, which allows them to save a lot of money. As an example, here can lead the factories of Nissan and Hyundai, as well as the Russian subsidiary of the holding company Wrigley.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate": translate.yandex.ru.

Author: World of translation
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