Translation of accompanying documents for equipment

World of translation : Business
, 15:06

more and more domestic companies selected as suppliers of the basic equipment of various foreign brands. Despite the absence of a certain patriotism in this decision, from a business point of view, claims it to be. Imported equipment shows a much higher performance, and its price has long been affordable for even the novice entrepreneur. Almost the only difficulty in this question is the localization process supporting documents. It is easy to guess that the average linguist with this task can not cope, and therefore, responsible should be entrusted to someone else.


professional Services

Today, this specialized Bureau where the team of experts includes not only translators, but also the technical consultants from various industries. It is worth noting that this service is not new for our market, but its massive popularity he gained only recently. Previously similar projects have been exclusively public universities, whereas now they are replaced by the market of professional business services.

Often beneath technical documentation refers to the materials of the following types:

  • a description of the goods, equipment or working methods;
  • the
  • Technical passports and certificates of quality products;
  • the
  • Patents and licenses;
  • the
  • instruction Manual;
  • the
  • Scientific works and articles.

features of the organization of work and pricing

the work on such orders involved at least 2-3 specialist at the same time. Each of them is its own area of responsibility. So, the translator is responsible for the localization of the text, while the technical adviser checks it for compliance with technical and scientific logic, in order to further the reader did not have problems with understanding and application of reading practices. In fact, it is this absorption in the task and distinguishes technical translation from the usual. However, to talk about the prohibitive cost of services is still not worth it. Much in this case, defines the original language, its themes, and the estimated amount.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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